
I try to separate snowden the leaker from snowden the poster but man,,,
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
Also good to separate his leaking with how his leaks were horribly reported by greenwald and co
Sometimes the worst people make pretty good choices and we all need to live with that
Greenwald definitely failed upward. Snowden had to bust ass to get him to even show up-- just show up and write the story down.
Oh also I think his account has been State Influenced(tm) for awhile now. Maybe the guy isn't that discerning & that's why he was a military dude in the first place & he is just a sucker for Russian propaganda, or maybe they leaned on him. idk. He's not nowhere else to go so I tolerate him.
Snowden I mean. Hard to hate a UO player.
right like he turned him down twice. it’s fucked how much credit he gets compared to poitras and how greenwald unilaterally shut down the archive
Clearly him and RFK Jr went to the same brain worm
snowden the leaker was so much a damn cause of the lack of real technical analysis with his fixation on still protecting details of 'sources and methods'
Yeah i disagree with cryptome about whether the full archive should be public but ie mudge who consulted on some of the analysis should have been full access and spent a year just running around different tech companies security teams telling them whats up
10 years ago I thought Snowden was a hero. Now it's really hard to not think that he was a Russian asset who did something that we deserved, but for the wrong reasons.
i don’t think he was a russian asset. i do think it’s probably likely assange made a deal with russia and trapped him there
wikileaks was controlling his escape route once he was in hong kong and it was assanges idea and he navigated him to pass through russia
yeah sarah harrison was with him the whole time once he left hong kong. i think and the deputy director of nsa said the same that he believes snowden genuinely wanted to get to south america it was also assange that fake ‘leaked’ that snowden was in morales plane with him when obama got it grounded
there was in 2011 or 12 a big internal fight at wikileaks that assange almost lost and would have been forced out and in the alt history where that happens the world is a much better place and possibly crypto doesn’t take off
think of it this way: the leaker is Joseph Gordon Lewitt and the poaster is... that guy
He is a narcissistic turn coat spook masquerading as a hero. He gave china and Russia so much. Even pushing RFK, just on script.
I don’t even respect his leaks because he fled rather than face the law.
It probably does suck, on some level, to be stuck in an authoritarian nightmare state that will quietly dispose of you if you start failing your role as a convenient defector spokesperson. Retreating full force into delusion is a natural response to that. Doesn’t make it less embarrassing.
wait did you ever read the article from some years ago on if I recall why he leaked
Im not sure which article youre referencing but i am v familiar with him and friends with some of the people that worked on patching the shit he leaked
And there were genuine alarming shit in his leaks ie MUSCULAR was awful, and we also have no idea what all was in the archive. The research team wasnt qualified and greenwald would only escalate random docs to outside expert review rather than let them see the cache and figure out whats important
it was like, I think a The Guardian or The Wired from some years ago on stuff like, him mentioning his outrage as a forum poster on Obama's proposals to restrict gun ownership, his praise for Ron Paul, etc
Oh yeah i know what youre talking about, i think his motivations were complicated. Partly disgruntled at work partly concern about these systems. His politics are not great tho
The other problem is he lies like,,,a lot. I do think tho he was genuinely concerned with natsec overreach i just dont know if that would be enough to convince him to leak if he wasnt disgruntled. also deepthroat was a fashy lite guy that leaked because he got passed over at fbi so idunno
thanks, that was the one I was thinking of; trying to think how I forgot about the New Republic there for it
I've had that tab open for weeks (again)