
i really hate how Duty is often portrayed as a right wing virtue we all have a duty to our families, loved ones, friends, to each other —even strangers, and also a duty to fight for a better world, even when it seems hopeless
they see the rest of us as having turned our backs on duty. and I think the rest of us often don't apply the word to meeting our commitments to others even when they're hard. but what else is duty, besides acting based on our values and meeting our commitments to others?
I’ve always loved this quote, not for the religious aspects but because of how it functions as a riposte to the reddit nta-you-don’t-owe-anyone-anything mindset that so dominates these days. No! You owe everyone everything, and they in turn owe you, and we are all stuck here together.
I think it's partially due to how some liberals or leftists mistake duty for obligations which runs counter with the pursuit of freedom and happiness.
Been grumpy about this post all day. I very often want to slip under the waves but ugh, I also believe in this same thing and being reminded of it is bringing the vibes down on my attempts to bring my vibes down
oh no i’m sorry that wasn’t my intention. i get it tho:/
Oh you're fine. I'm not sincere about my grumpiness here. Just performatively pretend mad because I have a hard time expressing hopefulness unless it's masked.
Like, fine I was trying to have a nice evening dropping a toaster into the bath but I gueeeeessss instead I'll work on bettering myself and those around me.
Don't worry, your ring didn't misfire. It still works
omgg please don’t use the toaster no bad brain don’t listen to those thoughts
Sometimes there's no veil between you and the wheel of fire. Sometimes the enemy's whisper is seductive. But you were right. There's a duty to keep going anyway.