
Millennials of my age will remember the endless essays on how "hookup culture" was turning us all into jaded carnal husks. My dream is that one day college students will find discover the perfect ratio between chastity and nasty rutting to shut up our nation's columnists.
It’s hard to ignore that there’s a class of cranky commentariat that was upset that kids changed norms and had too much sex and then became upset that kids changed norms and had not enough sex and it’s becoming to look kind of unsettlingly preoccupied
Getting so close to there being a cringey think piece about how it's weird that there aren't as many professors married to former students anymore
Omg you so called it. More than one couple like this in my schooling experience.. I wonder what the genX stats on this are. That and date rape. OK now I'm sad.
I had two professors who very publicly highlighted their longterm happy marriages with former students. No idea what the stats were on failed marriages before my time or other relationships. Considering a certain kind of highbrow literature of a certain time... gonna say a lot
Granted, one of those professors I knew well enough to know that she had no life to speak of (youthful dept chair) or friends outside of academia at a university that trended much older faculty. Still creepy but understandable. Maybe worth a litfic novel