Stefani Goerlich

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Stefani Goerlich

Certified Sex Therapist, Award-Winning Author, Clinical Social Worker, BDSM/Kink expert, SexTech consultant, co-host of Securing Sexuality. ✡️
The idea that Biden needs to be perfect over the next four months is insane. Just absolutely fucking bonkers. He doesn't need to be perfect. This election is an "I don't need to be faster than the bear" situation. He needs to be better than Trump. The end.
Hey, hacker friends! Do you hack dating websites? Have you ever poked around inside their matching algos? Or pen-tested their profile privacy? Do you wanna be in a book?! Well have I got an offer for you!! (Seriously, if you do this kind of thing? HMU)
I’m lucky loves me, because his talk for just got waitlisted… while his tech adjacent sexpert wife was asked to be their keynote.
Oooh those Delta Lounge vibes… If you’re in Denver? I hope you’ll visit the Tattered Cover this Saturday at 6pm. will be there sharing insights from her book, With Sprinkles on Top. Join us!
Me, watching the Schiaparelli S/S24 show and trying to convince that I need this dress to wear for my first RSA talk. (Oh- I’m speaking at RSA this year!)
In a Christmas first, last night I caused a minor explosion with the ham. There was a flash of flame & a whoomph big enough to push the oven door open a few inches. Our best guess is that the fumes from the extremely boozy marinade I made for the ham ignited. Let me know if you want the recipe.
Oh hey, guess who’s a lecturer at the University of Minnesota Medical School’s Coleman Institute for Sexual & Gender Health starting next month? (Hint: It’s me)
Wolf & Stef are joined week on the #podcast by Apollyon, who has worked on several major altsex platforms- including a new one that's addressing some of the biggest security pitfalls users have experienced in other online spaces: Submit social.
I’m so excited: I entered a raffle to raise money for Israeli charities and just won a custom made pair of fancy ballet flats!!! I never win anything!!
For anyone in the Milwaukee/Chicago area, Lion's Tooth books is hosting an event celebrating my new book tonight at the Sugar Maple Bar in MKE. Starts at 5:30 w/ a short reading, then a Q&A. Then,(if you’d like) I’ll sign copies of the book. I’d love to see you there!
Bin Ladin’s Letter to America going viral on TikTok only hammers home the need for authentic, warts-and-all History education. When you white wash history? Students feel validated by monsters they do not recognize, who interpret those (half) truths they see, but which were glossed over or ignored.
That feeling when, after writing primarily academic books, you find your latest (and first mass market) title on the shelves at Barnes and Noble. OMG!!
Don't target civilians. Don't defend people who target civilians. Don't support monstrous leaders you know are corrupt when they wage terror operations or military campaigns, when it's obvious they're using the suffering of others (or even their own people) to hold onto power.
Someone please ask to contact this family and intervene, stat. 😬
the intense horror and overwhelming sadness i feel even seeing snippets of how israeli jews were murdered by hamas is only compounded by the silence on the left.
I need everyone who called reports of decapitated babies propaganda to never be taken seriously again. What Hamas did to men, women, and children on 10/7 included the must brutal, inhuman, vile acts of torture and defilement you can imagine.
My brand is notoriously subtle. 😎
The Hamas incursion started with, and was enabled by, a form of denial of service attack—against the automated and remote-controlled border securing system. Stunning reporting here
10-10-23: The day something kinda awesome happened.
This is the place where I checked out my first “birds + bees” book from the children’s section… and the place where the librarian called my mother because 7 year old me was trying to check out Lady Chatterly’s Lover from the adult section. In hindsight? I was always gonna be a sex therapist. 🤣
Mother-Son ayin hara tattoos… because we have each others backs.
They’re here!! They’re finally here!! OMG, I’m so excited!! Lmk if you want an autographed copy!!
Your pet/what they’re named for. (Together they become the Anarchist Kitten Collective)
Your pet / what they’re named after