
I’m creeped out. The property mgt people switched vendors because the first technician to check the water in my basement, Scott, was dawdling. Scott has my cell number and contacted me, the renter, to ask why I’d complained. I am furious. Huge boundary violation. It makes me feel unsafe.
Yeah that's super unprofessional and not okay. I would be creeped out too.
He’s a man who knows my address and cell number. Strong odds I’m in no danger! Probably he’s just a doofus who doesn’t understand professional boundaries! Probably!
Probably… it does almost sound apologetic in tone. But that doesn’t make it okay.
The man is probably going to be fired and he will know it was because of my complaint. Do you think he will still sound apologetic then?
Its possible he’s fucked up multiple times and thus your complaint won’t stand out - But I don’t mean to diminish it - if I got that text I’d be creeped out too.
No, it's quite likely my complaint will stand out.