
I’m creeped out. The property mgt people switched vendors because the first technician to check the water in my basement, Scott, was dawdling. Scott has my cell number and contacted me, the renter, to ask why I’d complained. I am furious. Huge boundary violation. It makes me feel unsafe.
The more I think on this, the less safe I feel. This man will likely be fired. He will easily deduce it was because of my complaint. He has my cell phone number and he has been in my house and he knows I live alone. I am so angry. and scared.
that's a legitimately frightening and deeply unsettling interaction and situation. praying Scott just vanishes into the ether as he should have done when he was doing whatever it was that stopped him from just doing the job in the first place
Oh god I hate this feeling, I’m so sorry. It puts you in the worst situation where you want to tell him to fuck off and delete your number, but he knows where you live so you have to be just polite enough not to set them off
Without thinking, I reported his behavior to the property manager. I should fucking know better by now. By your two hundredth rodeo you should have this figured out.
The property manager is a company
Well that gives me a small amount of hope that they actually have a protocol for this type of thing that doesn’t endanger their clients. It might be worth reaching out again to highlight that you feel unsafe and they really shouldn’t have disclosed any reason for moving to a second contractor
Either way, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. That sucks so hard and I hope it can be resolved quickly and without anymore altercations
That's a terrific point. I'll raise it next time I talk to them.
Yeah that's super unprofessional and not okay. I would be creeped out too.
He’s a man who knows my address and cell number. Strong odds I’m in no danger! Probably he’s just a doofus who doesn’t understand professional boundaries! Probably!
Probably… it does almost sound apologetic in tone. But that doesn’t make it okay.
The man is probably going to be fired and he will know it was because of my complaint. Do you think he will still sound apologetic then?
Its possible he’s fucked up multiple times and thus your complaint won’t stand out - But I don’t mean to diminish it - if I got that text I’d be creeped out too.
No, it's quite likely my complaint will stand out.
totally unprofessional, and a good indication that they were correct to switch contractors. Bring it to the Mgmt company and tell them to inform vendors that all communications besides logistics are to go through management.
that's what I did immediately. and now regret. Because this will likely lead to his dismissal and he'll know it was me who complained.
!!! Yeah this is very not ok
Has this Scott already been out? Knows your address? (Not to be dramatic- he’s likely fine, but it’s the point of it)
He was in my house a month ago to first look at the water problem. I complained to property mgt this week that it still hadn't been addressed (they've rescheduled twice). Which is why they selected a second contractor. That's when Scott texted me. He'll likely lose his job and know it was me.
honest to fucking fuck if men had a fucking clue how terrifying this shit is .... I won't speculate as to his goddamn motives but that is clearly MANY LEVELS OF NOT OK. I assume you did not respond. Has he stopped texting? Jesus fucking christ
I did not respond. I don't know if/when he'll be disciplined/terminated. So that's neat too.
SO FUCKING SORRY. odds are low but I have had very similar experiences and you stress the fuck out. that is stressful. SHIT. Nothing happened with my deal. but I was very fucking uncomfortable for a bit. how DARE HE.
While Scott here isn't entirely a stranger, he sure as hell isn't my domestic partner. So statistically I won't be murdered, which will be small consolation if I'm actually murdered. Would also prefer not to be raped again, if that's an option.
Sure do hate some of the shit we have in common, friendo.
To tie this to yesterday's conversation, this is why I felt scared when I canceled my lawn maintenance contract
I wish your instincts were wrong but they clearly aren't.
I’ll tell you some bad contractor stories someday when I’m not in the middle of packing
Respectfully, if they're not stories about how you felt threatened, I don't want to hear them right now.
yeah, I've had "contractor ran off with my money" and I've also had "huge male contractor came into my home not wearing a shirt and gave my dog a bone I had just said not to give him" and I'd rather lose the money every time, there's no comparison
That’s a boundary violation of major proportions. I’m so sorry these fuckwits put you in this position. I’m also sorry that we live in a society where any attempt to get ahead of this is apt to make it worse. Whoever said you complained should lose their job. The PM should own the complaint. End of.
He should lose his job. I agree. But if that happens, he'll be able to piece it together pretty easily. His reaction then is the scary part.
Whoever at the property management firm told them they no longer had the contract because 'someone complained' should lose their job. The property manager should insulate tenants from anything like that "We're not happy with how this is being handled, and we've given the job to someone else." End of
Yes. It should not have happened in the first place. freaking amateurs
I realize they have no practical value, but I'm sending all the positive vibes that this fades away quietly without incident anyway, and that you get your water problem resolved ASAP and without any additional bullshit.
Thank you. I appreciate good vibes.
I'm sorry, Jessica. This is gross and scary.
Thank you. It’s not okay. I’m more angry than scared though. Plus I really do live shiny things so that pepper spray is exciting
Well, that's super fuct. I'm sorry you're having to deal with that unhinged bullshit.
Unfortunately, since he's a local person who knows where I fucking live because he's been in my fucking house, I do not have the option of just blocking. To protect myself, I need to leave it open to see if he sends anything else. Because he'll probably be fired, you know?