
I’m creeped out. The property mgt people switched vendors because the first technician to check the water in my basement, Scott, was dawdling. Scott has my cell number and contacted me, the renter, to ask why I’d complained. I am furious. Huge boundary violation. It makes me feel unsafe.
That’s a boundary violation of major proportions. I’m so sorry these fuckwits put you in this position. I’m also sorry that we live in a society where any attempt to get ahead of this is apt to make it worse. Whoever said you complained should lose their job. The PM should own the complaint. End of.
He should lose his job. I agree. But if that happens, he'll be able to piece it together pretty easily. His reaction then is the scary part.
Whoever at the property management firm told them they no longer had the contract because 'someone complained' should lose their job. The property manager should insulate tenants from anything like that "We're not happy with how this is being handled, and we've given the job to someone else." End of
Yes. It should not have happened in the first place. freaking amateurs
I realize they have no practical value, but I'm sending all the positive vibes that this fades away quietly without incident anyway, and that you get your water problem resolved ASAP and without any additional bullshit.
Thank you. I appreciate good vibes.