
I’m creeped out. The property mgt people switched vendors because the first technician to check the water in my basement, Scott, was dawdling. Scott has my cell number and contacted me, the renter, to ask why I’d complained. I am furious. Huge boundary violation. It makes me feel unsafe.
honest to fucking fuck if men had a fucking clue how terrifying this shit is .... I won't speculate as to his goddamn motives but that is clearly MANY LEVELS OF NOT OK. I assume you did not respond. Has he stopped texting? Jesus fucking christ
I did not respond. I don't know if/when he'll be disciplined/terminated. So that's neat too.
SO FUCKING SORRY. odds are low but I have had very similar experiences and you stress the fuck out. that is stressful. SHIT. Nothing happened with my deal. but I was very fucking uncomfortable for a bit. how DARE HE.
While Scott here isn't entirely a stranger, he sure as hell isn't my domestic partner. So statistically I won't be murdered, which will be small consolation if I'm actually murdered. Would also prefer not to be raped again, if that's an option.
Sure do hate some of the shit we have in common, friendo.
That's ...hard for me, but I have all the empathy.