
Trying to take this claim seriously and not dunk on this person, but: the 2016 election had very close margins thus was overdetermined. There are a dozen different things that could have gone differently that would have changed the result, we can actually all be correct here when assigning blame
it was definitely a chunk of lefty dissenters that just decided not to campaign in the midwest in the run up to the election
It’s fine to argue that HRC ran her campaign badly, but if you were pleased Trump beat her, I don’t really give a shit
Yes. Sure, fine, she fucking sucked ass. She could have had a more inspiring VP candidate, could have had much better geographic strategy, not done her dumb email shit, not be surrounded by dumb incompetent hangers-on, yes, yes. You win, Clinton sucks, more people still should have voted for her
you could just reply to me like a normal person instead of quote dunking while claiming not to want to do so with some mealy mouthed "both teams played hard" bullshit RBG clinging to her seat with her cold dying fingers was before 2016, obama punting a supreme court seat was before 2016
Yes. RBG not retiring was fucking stupid and she deserves scorn for it. You can go and scour my twitter timeline and find me saying that at the time. All of these things can simultaneously be true. And I genuinely am trying to take your argument seriously here.
the whole point is that it's dismissive to chalk this all up to 2016 when there are decades of institutional rot in both parties that have led us to this point. i'm not directing anyone not to vote, but dem leadership especially needs to reckon with the part they've played in where we are today
Adulthood means realizing that lots of other adults cannot hold multiple concurrent variables in their head. Yeah, Hillary would have won with a slightly different campaign. Or more charisma. Or if this country was less misogynistic. Or if she didn’t get ratfucked by the FBI and press.
wow, what a welcome recent addition to my TL