
Wildly extrapolating from Swindon South: better than projected by the exit poll, so thus far, all the results pointing to a bit better than the exit poll, a bit worse than the average of the MRPs for Labour. Vice versa for Reform.
UK general election live: Reform UK has cost the Tories seats, says exit
Kind of makes you wonder if Reform are going to manage to remain a coherent entity long enough to be a factor in the next local elections in a few years
I think the nightmare result in many ways is 'Tories 90, Reform one' but Farage is the one, or two with Lee Anderson and/or Tice. Anymore and they will be a rabble.
How many do they need for serious money?
£21,438.33 for every seat won at the last General Election plus £42.82 for every 200 votes, assuming they get at least one seat, which they will.
Mike nesbitt saying on BBC ni that 2 makes you a party and hugely increases the funding
If Reform only get 2 or 3, I don't think Anderson's one of them. Ashfield was already a swing seat even without Reform in the mix.