
Very good thread this. In many ways this was a typical 2020s European election. When you consider how so many of those are ending, that's a bit worrying.
2. Labour held steady in total votes, but combined with the fractured vote on the right, won a historic parliamentary majority. This is in line with trends elsewhere in Europe. The far right rises and wins when the center-left atomizes (Italy, France) and falls short when it holds (Spain, Portugal).
While Labour needs to get on with day-to-day governing, shifting the Overton window away from the (far) right is critical. With Reform's success, given what's happening across Europe, and given the Starmer's signals during the campaign, I'm pessimistic about the chances of this happening.
The Voters share of LibDems and Greens combined is way bigger than Reforms. Labour needs to look at those voters not Reform shit. Those voters are never going to be part of your coalition unlike LibDem , Greens and Indies .
But most Importantly the non-voters
Wonder how reform will square their no-to-Europe worldview with farage’s (presumed) wish to ally himself with the demagogues in or near power on the continent. (For the greater grift.)
the only conclusion is that clearly electoral reform is urgently needed: what Britain needs is scrutin majoritaire à deux tours
Labour absolutely can not try to make politics to satisfy Reform voters. That would end in desaster for everybody. LibDem and Greens did well enough that even , if they don't need them , they should be seen as an extension of what Labours politics should be.
Tories imho are likely to go full on feral now maybe even merging with Reform. Labour can absolutely not try to appease any of that lunacy.
Democracy is in peril. This is a phase here
Yes, and no. Because we have had a long cycle of hard right govt and the Tories are about to indulge in an orgy of violence and recrimination, and that shifts the centre of gravity. But the use of the word bridgehead by Reform feels ominous.
Let us have one morning of hope Stephen!