Stephen O'Hara

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Stephen O'Hara

Ape Cavalry Deserter (he/him cisgender hetero), tribesman of Louisville, breaker of spaghetti, Liberator of skunks

Old artwork:
Mastodon: who cares

avatar: bearded man wearing glasses (me)
banner: a box turtle on the ground
Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting taught me that at one point (as recently as 2015) we had 41(!) elected, highly paid Jailers in 41 Counties which had Literally no Jail and No Office. so if you ever wonder why nothing in the South gets fixed in certain places
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This seems like a good time to point that I wrote a graphic novel that I consider to have better art and less shallow cynicism than Hillbilly Elegy—it's coming back into print next month and I'll be at Chicago's Book Cellar with on August 14 to talk about it!
I thought the upper front of this building looked neat. possibly decorated by Masonic Lodge
Happy Holidays to all who celebrate (Artist unknown) Iroquois Park
Music I enjoy thread. going to try making a Long thread again, and slowly add over time 🎶
St. Matthews Alpaca this afternoon: "Are you seeing this?"
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They rejected my opinion piece about why it's a good idea to sleep next to mysterious plantlike pods
You can tell the Internets are bad now because I wanted to see the plot twist (won't spoil it) google tried to sell me a house, bing tried to sell me vitamin pills
As Carl Sagan would say, "It's a candle in the dark" 👍
what would change for us if alien life was proven?
small green frog decided to leap to my thumb from the neighbor's mulberry (I do not have an enormous wrist, it's perspective) and allowed me to take a photo 🐸
Art post. is our children hashtagging? this was very large and hard to photograph the layering and details
Each episode is just Blade doing his thing while the Avengers or whoever fights aliens in New York in previous years. Ep.1 somehow, Deacon Frost returned! (killed by Blade at the end of episode) vampires are back, roll credits 🧛‍♂️
Just heard the new Blade lost its 2nd director in 2 years, & I'm worried. Like, if they're trying to tie it into the MCU, the original Daredevil series is the model: Standalone underworld/street-level, w/ references to "increased occult activity" or w/e the fuck, then throw in a mid-credits tie in.
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Excited that our paper with Hans Hofmann's lab is out! Extinction training suppresses activity of fear memory ensembles across the hippocampus and alters transcriptomes of fear-encoding cells:
Pay is Bad; the Lunches are Free 🗡️
Roughly yearly reminder that procedurally generated shirts can be great actually
Feral hogs are more real than the Supreme Court 🐖 2 Legs good, 4 Legs bad
If Loki is Genderfluid, does that mean it's Genderfluidsplain? Which is conveniently the name of a giant monster in Old Norse 👹
Why isn't there already a Wallace and Gromit portrait in every Gallery in London already? 🎨💇‍♂️🐶
Years ago I took my Mother to see: "Ali3n ", plus a double feature of "Sister Act" and "Straight Talk". Showcase Cinemas on Bardstown is Long gone; my central nervous system is still partially there 🦴
the best part of Kentucky is that some guy named Gex from Verona (pop 1,545) can pass Laws unanimously without even a hearing. the other best part of Kentucky is that we have 120 Counties (#3 in the Nation) and I have zero idea where 90% of those Counties would be or any reason to ever visit 📍
Oh no, this was taken last year? Little guy was nice enough to pose for a photo in Cherokee Park. Didn't seem bothered, let alone expect to see one at all; this was as close as I got, on pure chance.
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Neil Gaiman quoting CS Lewis quoting JRR Tolkien: 'The only people who decry escapism are jailers '.
eagerly awaiting Frankenstein's posts 🧠 on Subjects from across the Pond
voting labour because, like my idol keir starmer, i've had both my brain and my conscience surgically removed
Back in my day, we had to walk almost a block to buy disgusting magazines and candy! 👺
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If you're used to allopathic medicine and ways of conceiving the body, historical and fantasy cdramas can really punt you into new territory! I wrote about qi, meridians, yin and yang, acupuncture — and how physicians in stories mirror the body in practice. TCM: weirdly hard to research, though????
Why the Hero Is Coughing Up Acupuncture, qi, vital points and foods with energy are all part of how traditional Chinese medicine takes care of the body — and the narrative.
saw a baby snapping Turtle, maybe thumb-length shell? told some Jogger lady where it was; the dog I was walking didn't care. 🐢
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Super Antics 17 by Kerry Callen This was totally not what I was going to post this morning, but I was trying to put names on certain classic superhero poses, like the Strongman breaking Chains, and wound up here Be Yourself Unless you can be Superman Then be Superman