
I look at this and all I can think about is how the Philadelphia Democratic Party keeps Bob Brady in charge even though he's more concerned w/fighting progressive voters & his own ward leaders than driving turnout. Turnout was 17% in this year's primary. SEVENTEEN PERCENT when you need SE PA to win.
Actually now that I think about it, "more concerned with fighting progressive voters than _____" sums up a lot of the problems with the Democratic Party at a national level
this seems an appropriate time to plug this
If Biden cared he wouldn't be throwing these "dipshits" away Georgia won by 11k votes - has 120k Muslims Arizona won by 10k votes - has 109k Muslims Wisconsin won by 20k votes - has 68k Muslims Pennsylvania won by 80k votes - has 150k Muslims Michigan won by 150k votes - has 241k Muslims
It's always an appropriate time to plug those numbers Copy and paste them if you feel like it If people really want biden to win they're going to need to stop ignoring this
The New York Democratic Party and Lis Smith say hi!!
I am not optimistic about our political future in this country. I might go so far as to say I'm not optimistic about the future of this country.
Uh. I mean. I'm typing this from Canada for a reason.
I have a tween daughter and I'm really wondering if we need to get her the fuck out of here.
Can't wait for the fallout from these polls is for people to blame other voters
The chart needs a "neither" option
I see that and keep thinking how NYT printed Comes and Cotton articles. Also how 15% of votes went to Nikki Haley although she dropped out months ago. Don't look at polls. Just vote. Votes count. But more important would be: for Pete's sake, do not print them.
I honestly don't understand this. It is beyond reason.
is it though
If Biden cared he wouldn't be throwing these "dipshits" away Georgia won by 11k votes - has 120k Muslims Arizona won by 10k votes - has 109k Muslims Wisconsin won by 20k votes - has 68k Muslims Pennsylvania won by 80k votes - has 150k Muslims Michigan won by 150k votes - has 241k Muslims
It's not beyond reason at all Low turn out in swing states is people refusing to vote for genocide It's dangerous for anyone who wants biden to win to keep ignoring that