
It is, but I think Trump would support the annexation of Gaza and the West Bank. "Biden has put only inconsistent pressure on Israel; Trump would have put none."
Essentially what you’re saying is the administration is willing to gamble with even more Palestinians lives until the election to hold out the specter of even more death unless supporters fall in line. This too is deeply immoral.
This is what Biden supporters say "Trump will be worse!" It's a fucking genocide right now. You can't try to lesser evil a genocide for fucksake
You come from a place of perfect morality, with a bright shining line between Right and Wrong. I come from a place of cynical pragmatism, frequent disappointment, and the ability to see the lesser of two evils. I'll be voting for Biden.
How would you feel if it was your family members that Biden was murdering?
Would it help them if Trump were president?
Answer the question. You'd forgive Biden if he murdered your family?
I don't answer 'what if?' questions. I'm also under no obligation to interact with you at all, so your tone is poorly placed.
You don't seem to recognize the humanity of Palestinians and think it's perfectly fine to sacrifice anyone that isn't you. I don't give a shit if you like my tone or not.
I didn't say it was perfectly fine for anyone to kill anyone. That it is going on is an ongoing tragedy. I remember when Anwar El-Sadat got killed by the Muslim Brotherhood. War in the Middle East is nothing new to me. My choice is between someone you don't like, or a self absorbed dictator.
Reducing legitimate criticism of an elected official’s public policy and the resulting genocide to “dislike” tells me a lot about you and none of it is complimentary. We don’t hate Biden. We hate genocide and we hate that our president is enabling it. That’s a strong moral stance not childish vice.
So, you'll be voting for Biden with me?
I’ll be voting against trump. If that means Biden, if they don’t both die by November, I suppose I will. I don’t have to have one iota of enthusiasm, and I don’t have to shit on people who believe they can’t in good conscience.
There's a time honored tradition of 'hold one's nose and vote'.
We can discuss the genocide, unless I judge your tone incivil