Steve Darrell

Steve Darrell

Vegan, Welsh, I read, play wargames and watch rugby.
Reposted by Steve Darrell
I’m simply going to quote the Secret Barrister on this one “There should be a criminal sanction applicable to politicians who deliberately cause such wanton, avoidable devastation to essential public services. Electoral humiliation is not enough.”
🚨Rishi Sunak was warned by senior civil servants a week before he called the election that he was at risk of breaching legal responsibilities if he failed to take action over prison overcrowding crisis, leaked document reveals
Rishi Sunak ‘risked breaching legal responsibilities over prison crisis’ Exclusive: leaked letters said without urgent action the system in England and Wales would reach ‘critical failure’
The odd things we seem to have to worry about now. As David Allen Green has previously pointed out, constitutional law should not be exciting, or even interesting.
What if a parliamentary candidate did not exist? The latest odd constitutional law question which nobody has really thought of asking before By me Substack: Non-Substack:
Reposted by Steve Darrell
The task before James Timpson The significance of this welcome appointment - and two of the immense obstacles that he needs to overcome New, by me At Substack: Non-Substack:
Reposted by Steve Darrell
The thing no one's talking about this morning is, whether they're aware of it or not, this has happened whilst the first effects of hard Brexit on our cost of living are being felt. If Labour insist on taking up this baton in full they're going to feel the effects of it next time
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Just remember as you go to vote tomorrow that Johnson partied while people died alone, bunged £40B+ of our money to their pals, made lying the new norm. Truss lost £50B by nearly crashed the economy. Sunak promised much but delivered more pain with record high taxes. VOTE THEM OUT.
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
This is illuminating on the mindset of the Tories, from Sunday Times’ Tim Shipman’s account of Theresa May’s Brexit troubles. The Cabinet decided the party was more important than the country.
I'm looking forward to reading Empireworld - certainly Empireland was nuanced, and an excellent read
Grateful to Gideon Rachman for these words about #Empireworld in the FT's guide to summer reading, over the weekend. I'll be speaking about it at the @southbankcentre on Sunday July 14th, as part of its You Belong Here festival. Tickets available.
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Grateful to Gideon Rachman for these words about #Empireworld in the FT's guide to summer reading, over the weekend. I'll be speaking about it at the @southbankcentre on Sunday July 14th, as part of its You Belong Here festival. Tickets available.
Well worth a look, as is the linked page.
New post just out: It's by the god of election analysis himself Sir John Curtice, with colleague Lovisa Moller Vallgarda. They've built a system for classifying voters that offers fascinating insights into this election and the future of UK politics.
Mapping Voter A guest post from Sir John Curtice and Lovisa Moller Vallgarda
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Not that it’s ever likely to trouble anyone, but Reform’s tax and spend plans would crash the pound and send mortgage costs soaring, according to a former Bank of England policy maker who predicted the disastrous fallout from Liz Truss’ mini-budget, Bloomberg reports.
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Telegraph excited by Starmer implying Corbyn would have made a better PM than Johnson. ALMOST ANYONE would have made a better PM than Johnson. Which admittedly makes it quite remarkable that neither of his successors has really been so, but that's far more the Telegraph's fault than ours, isn't it?
Reposted by Steve Darrell
I was thinking how it must be bewildering for Orcs, caught up in marches to war for specious reasons, involved in pointless battles that have nothing really to do with them, but a mad tyrant's desire for power, and I got this Tolkien-inspired parody.
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Good letters in the Times warning of the dangers of populists who promise simple solutions to the terminally gullible, but deliver jack shit, then blame everyone else. And that’s not just Farage. That’s the Tory party since 2016. Let’s get rid. Time for change… and competence.
Reposted by Steve Darrell
From the latest Private Eye
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Pascal’s Wager Triangle
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
God damn it this is not wrong
i think we should stop giving our ai bots female names (alexa, siri) and give them names from the old white boys club (john, james, chad) in honor of how overconfident and annoying they are even when they’re completely wrong or making stuff up
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
(clears throat) Let me be very clear and direct here: FUCK every single ghoul who has spread #vaccine misinformation over the past few years. Watch a child suffering from pertussis just once and it will change you. This is fucking preventable and these babies have no choice. They rely on us.
UK whooping cough death toll rises to 8, people urged to get Since January there have been 4,793 confirmed cases of whooping cough, compared with 858 in the whole of 2023, with one academic describing the size of the current outbreak as 'alarming'.
Reposted by Steve Darrell
This piece from Robert Shrimsley in the FT really nails how the Conservatives have killed themselves.
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
Reposted by Steve Darrell
🔥 58% of Brits (and 65% of 25-34 year olds) think that our relationship with Europe is an important topic for this #GeneralElection See article here —>
Reposted by Steve Darrell
I would never, never be able to find this much grace in myself.