Rosie Walters

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Rosie Walters

Proud Welsh European. Fond of cats. Fan of The Archers omnibus. Cadwn y golau ymlaen.
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Please, please, please do your research!
"The thieves went for particular items. Day after day, they roamed the neighbourhood and returned home to dump their loot. Before long they had amassed an impressive haul: socks, underpants, a baby’s cardigan, gloves and yet more socks."
Cat burglars: scientists try to solve mystery of why felines ‘steal’ random Researchers unsure why animals turn up with items such as socks and gloves – but agree pilfered items are not presents
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This is really nuts. 4 and 5 years prison for *planning* to block a highway in a climate protest? Even in today’s UK I wouldn’t have thought this possible.
To reiterate, the UK has just jailed five climate protesters for *discussing* a climate protest. As I've said elsewhere, this isn't just a victory for the fossil fuel industries, but for the most extreme authoritarianism.
Five Just Stop Oil activists receive record sentences for planning to block Campaigners receive longest ever sentences for non-violent protest after being convicted of conspiracy to cause public nuisance
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2 weeks after becoming MP for Clacton, Farage is off in Milwaukee but is tweeting about events in Leeds. This is the problem with getting the long-term unemployed back in work, they're completely deskilled and don't know what's acceptable. We should have assigned him a social worker.
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Troy Hunt notes this is a CrowdStrike issue impacting Microsoft PCs. (As distinguished from a MSFT issue per se.) Hunt: "This is basically what we were all worried about with Y2K, except it's actually happened this time ☠️. tweet :
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Reposted byAvatar Rosie Walters
Nate isn’t an astute political observer but in a sense that makes him a good barometer - he was fully primed to see the best in Trump’s speech, to plug it into a post-shooting narrative, and not even he could do it
guys he’s lost Nate Silver
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This is incoherent but no one in the national media will breathlessly question Trump’s mental acuity tomorrow
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The final question Brendan is asking here is rhetorical, because, yes, of course reporters are going to again fail to convey how bizarre and discursive the speech is. That's what they do.
We're at an important moment for reflection on the media practice of turning Trump's rambling soliloquies into semi-coherent narrative accounts. Are reporters going to again fail to convey just how bizarre and discursive this speech is?
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Reposted byAvatar Rosie Walters
If this were Biden there would be 30 stories in the NYTimes, WSJ, and WaPo by 8:30am Eastern
Reposted byAvatar Rosie Walters
That's not promising. The first report from the Covid inquiry wasn't mentioned in the first news bulletin. #r4today
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It’s a little too on the nose that Vance’s villain origin story is that the Yale Law prof who repackaged her own shit parenting as some kind of ethnic superiority recognized him as a kindred spirit.
Lol J.D. Vance got course credit for working on Hillbilly Elegy in Amy Chua's International Business Transactions class
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Reposted byAvatar Rosie Walters
Maybe THIS will be the dumbest thing I read today: Florida’s education commissioner announced Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice as a book of the month to “highlight the importance of American pride.” Can’t make this stuff up. H/t
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A big tell. Miami GOP Rep Salazar at RNC on Trump's mass deportation plans"sometimes that is rhetoric you say while you’re campaigning (and) that may not happen” Um, no. See Stephen MIller and Project 2025 That she's spinning means Dems should lay it all bare
Florida Republican: Trump deportation proposal might just be ‘rhetoric’ Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar is running in one of the state’s swing districts.
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People at the RNC are holding signs that say: MASS DEPORTATION NOW
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"Poor Liz. She really isn’t living her best life at the moment. Unwanted everywhere she goes. Not even given a side room at the convention with no one in the audience to hear what she had to say. That honour fell to Boris Johnson. Milwaukee is a haven for disgraced British politicians."
Nige shows up for pomp of king’s speech, then jets off to US when the work starts | John Clacton MP clearly had far more important things to do, like trying to boost his profile at the Republican convention
Reposted byAvatar Rosie Walters
Me and my son don't know nuthin' about no bank robbin', Sheriff.