
I used to compare the drawbacks of no smartphones for kids to growing up in a house with no or limited TV, until my mother emailed to complain with a point that has really stayed with me, which is that at least she was also willing to do without a TV.
Said it before, but to reiterate: "Ban social media for under 16s" "internet-free phones for children" These ideas may have worked 20 years ago, but that horse bolted so long ago, it's galloped around the planet and is now approaching the stable from the opposite direction /1
The ability to use a smartphone is an essential life skill now. It and related abilities are only going to get more essential.
I mean, yes, but equally, I use a smartphone every day and I didn’t get one until after I turned 17, so this is I think orthogonal to this question.
To your mother’s point; my daughter has limited screen time and, granted she’s at school where phone use is banned, my screen time exceeds hers. Of course I’m doing God’s work on social media but even so…