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Medical technologist, citizen, father, expert at everything. Nation’s leading iPhone photographer
If nothing else they have huge fucking balls
Say what you want about Thomas and Alito, but you have to sit back and admire their total disdain for the citizens of the country and complete lack of shame about it
Reposted byAvatar Steverocks35
Reposted byAvatar Steverocks35
Hey what if the shots at Biden’s age were gratuitously inserted into the SC report to prompt this entire discourse, distracting from the fact that his Republican opponent, while slightly younger, is…you know…off his fucking gourd.
Reposted byAvatar Steverocks35
What I’m saying is that if you’re not voting for Biden you may as well be picketing a Planned Parenthood or throwing children’s books on a bonfire cause that’s who you’re pumping up
Reposted byAvatar Steverocks35
He wasn’t there to watch Elon slice into the head of the penis cake everyone told him was a rocket but he knows people who were.
Without downloading anything new, what is your energy going into 2024?
This is fine
An open authoritarian ranting about "root[ing] out ... vermin" in describing his domestic political opponents. Has already said he wants to round up people in camps and prosecute his enemies. Could be president again in 436 days.
Make a movie worse with a word that rhymes. I will go first: Aliens Vs. Redditor
Reposted byAvatar Steverocks35
Reposted byAvatar Steverocks35
Just chuckled remembering that time a libertarian billionaire asshole decided to Do His Own Research™️ and build a DIY sub that he tried to take to the wreck of the titanic.
Just chuckled remembering that time a libertarian billionaire asshole decided to Do His Own Research™️ and build a DIY sub that he tried to take to the wreck of the titanic.
I was driving my Tesla earlier and I had to stop because I got an “exceeded rate limit” error Obviously I’m joking, I’d never own one of those death traps
Nobody believes this data scraping bullshit
Reposted byAvatar Steverocks35
I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life but I never poured gasoline all over 44 billion dollars and set it the fuck on fire
Reposted byAvatar Steverocks35
Thankfully, there seems to be some limits as to just how partisan this hyper-partisan Supreme Court is willing to go. US Supreme court rejects the fringe independent legislature theory in decision against North Carolina.
Supreme court rules against fringe legal theory in key voting rights North Carolina Republicans requested justices issue ruling following dispute over electoral maps
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There’s being ignorant of risk, there’s being bad at weighing or evaluating risk, and then there’s an attitude that treats consciousness of risk with contempt and engages in performative casualness about it. OceanGate seems to be in that last category.
End of feed.