
Well, this totally made my day. Thank you Neil, and best wishes to everyone who reads "NeuroTribes" seeking to understand certain family members, friends, and co-workers better.
I have a beloved copy here, that I bought originally in order to better understand certain family members.
My uni students, who I told right off I didn't care about offical diagnoses, if they needed accommodation, let me know: Maybe one reason you can *see* us, they suggested, Is because you're not as NT as you think you are. My family is so much *more* NNT than I am, I'd never considered it!
Should add that is also friends with my good buddy and Autistic author!
Oh, this whole exchange just gave me a much-needed lift!💖
I understood MYSELF better. The chapter about the invention of radio & the Star Trek conventions that came after made me understand that my being a nerd was no accident. I'm exactly who I'm here to be. 🙂 I've also recommended the book to multiple people, including a family with an ASD boy.