
I'd think this was self-parody from some version of The Onion from Hell, but these people are deadly serious, and they're reshaping San Francisco politics.
That's....just fascism lol
The echoes of Italian futurist/fascist stuff from the previous '20s is creepy. It goes right down to the color coded clothes and amphetamines.
I have never been more personally offended by any political movement than by this proposal to co-opt my wardrobe of generic gray t-shirts.
I’ve lived in SF for 25 years…something weird has definitely been happening here with tech, GOP, etc. SO much propaganda and lies in local government🙄
San Francisco 25 years ago was so fun. Y2K doom loop parties, dotcom bubble bursting, at least a few artists that hadn’t yet been evicted… if only SF could have stayed its 90s self 😢 In all seriousness it was a breathtaking place to live and it breaks my heart every time I go back
Speaking of which, the Onion was bought today by a tech billionaire.
At least he bought it from a private equity billionaire before it could be stripped for parts
The truth is, these are deeply weird guys, who are also not very bright, and things got out of hand.
Balaji is a complete Thiel-type nutjob, but not at all influential in San Francisco politics. Which is divided between moderate Democrats and progressive Democrats, although "progressive" mostly means giving out only 12 building permits a year
Tech Zionism made me throw up in my mouth a little bit
I’m struggling to process that this is a real opinion held by a real person
“Balaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I’ve ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen (I literally laughed out loud when I saw who the quote was from. Of all the people to evaluate which ideas are good 😂)
i can see right now this wont end well... for the Grays. just like it didn't for the Grays the last time. (and these grays seem comparable to those old grays of the mid-nineteenth century. it's best they get beaten and surrender.)
Genuinely speechless. What the hell.
Ok. #tormentnexus moment. This is literally the plot of the Dave Eggers novel The Every but this dingus just thinks “cool”
The part where he declares Microsoft (now a $3T company) “obsolete” is all you need to know about his predictions and their value. Who holds the largest outside share of OpenAI? Hint: Not Balaji