St. Patrick’s Gay Parade

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St. Patrick’s Gay Parade

I’m Daniel Soderburg I have bylines in the @nytimes @washingtonpost @thenation @theoldrepublic @pornhub @moderncatowner @abclubdotcom @75orless @538 please hire me I need money for my children I write ok
Oh god Biden is going to have to make a statement right? The only way to make this horrible shit worse
Everyone coming up with elaborate succession plans to get rid of Babbling Biden when the easiest solution is right there: flight of stairs
What an incredible week for all us schadenfreude-heads! Non-stop wall-to-wall action!
The only plausible reason
Joe Biden is like if they let a Make A Wish kid become president bc they had Benjamin Button disease
So excited the Mets are in the “give me hope” part of the season. Just gotta prepare for the “let me down” part in August
Grants Pass decision is beyond fucked. Just unmitigated evil and cruelty. No hell hot enough or torture torturous enough for anyone who worked to get this to happen. And of course President Jimble hasn’t said a fucking word about it or prepared for it bc even being pudding brained he supports it
Yeah I support Putin. I support putin deez nuts on ya mouth
It’s so funny watching nazi prison gang docs when the fbi rep goes “on the outside I guess color just doesn’t mean anything” and it’s like their face makes it really clear what they’re mad about with that
I want to take theNorth Korea garbage balloon technique but do it here to gated communities in NoVa. Just dropping a balloon filled with dog shit onto John Kirby’s limo or something. Bag filled with AIDS needles dropped onto John Robert’s while he lounges by his pool or some shit
Gonna kill myself with kindness, don’t try to stop me
If I was a urologist with my own practice I’d change my name to Doctor Penis. Just think of the SEO
People always talk about “uncouth” but I’ve never met a couthed ass motherfucker
It fits with how everything works now. Everyone was so sure they were gonna be outsmarted they never realized they’d be outdumbed
If it wasn’t for Aaron Sorkin Bradley Whitford would’ve just been the lame guy from Billy Madison
Of all the things Steve Albini did I never got how the waist guitar strap never caught on bc that was fucking genius
I’ve never seen a sitting president work this hard to get me to not vote for them. Joe, chill out, I’d never vote for you. No need to go nuts to give me a free Tuesday in November
“The policing part of the plan includes nearly $13 billion to hire 100,000 officers over the next five years…”
Biden lays out $37B policing, crime prevention The plan includes hiring thousands more police officers
Hey there chacha choo choo cha boogie I haven’t seen a post cut this deep since Martin Luther babe
Apparently I’ve been fired from the New York Times and WaPo and the LA Times and even Cat Fancy bc of all the Zionist email campaigns. I don’t know what to do. Industry friends please help me out I really can’t afford to be out of work for any amount of time #freedanielsoderburg #mychildrenneedwine
I’m hoping that society decays enough so I can pitch my own show So You Think You Can Suck Your Own Dick. I’m assuming it goes to trutv or if I don’t have another choice Max. I’ve already got Howie Mandel attached
That Italian movie about Joe Biden’s Uncle “Cannibal (and then my nephew does a) Holocaust”
Please stop posting pictures of Musk online. Every time I see his pube bearded beady eyed mantitted visage I feel legit nauseous. Stop doing it. I hate puking please don’t make me puke
Hopefully the woke shipment doesn’t derail and some town outside Dayton becomes quadruple pronouned