
It's as if our press just can't process a threat as grave as Trump. They no longer have the skills or backing from their top editors to grapple with such a grand-scale horror as the death of our democracy. So they've shrunk the issues down to a size they feel comfortable with: Shaming an old man.
Nah. They're just lazy and believe, falsely, that democracy will never fall in America. Their bosses, on the other hand, want taxes breaks that trump has promised and could care less about those who aren't uber wealthy like them.
“Well we can’t have our reporters be biased for democracy”
So true. It is sad. Horrible. Heartbreaking.
Then they’ll be very good at shredding Trump for his age and cognitive deficiencies when his new opponent is in the race. If elected, Trump will be as old mid-term as Biden is today.
A theory: 1. Some can't process it. 2. Some process it, concluding they want to play it safe in case Dump wins (fear of retribution), and being intellectually dishonest in their choices. Fwliw that's my theory on burying Epstein stuff past 48+ hours. 3. Some are combo of 1 + 2 ("fog of revolution")
Also they’re more interested in traffic/money than actual journalism.
I think they are all on Trump’s payroll is the problem. Remember Reagan conspired with the Iranians to defeat Carter so this is nothing lol.
Or is it they choose not to?
Follow the money Who's payroll are they on?
Or they're partisan Trump supporters wrapping that support in "objectivity".
Very true, unfortunately.