When centrist politicians scream about Unity, this is what I think of.
This is interesting. Left-wing parties win a majority of the vote (Labour + LibDem + Green) but if Reform UK didn't exist, Jacob Rees-Mogg would have won under First Past the Post. Just as Tories won because of the spoiler effect... the spoiler effect now works in both directions.
A brand new FEC filing document has Donald Trump selecting Michael Flynn as his running mate.
Happy Canada Day! Canada is one of the freest nations in the world, with only three countries beating it on press freedom, the EIU democracy index, and corruption. Canada is truly one of the greatest countries in history!
Most states, both Democratic and Republican, have median annual income-to-home value ratios between 2 and 4. However, six states have ratios between 4 and 5 (CO, OR, WA, MA, NY, NV), and two states have ratios over 5 (CA, HI), along with DC.
Let's be honest here.
Nothing fundamentally changed in yesterday's European election.
I think I have found a red line that we can all agree on regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
End of feed.