
'LLMs to send birthday messages' is the latest fascinating example of 'a thing that is useful for governments and organisations being weirdly packaged as useful for households'.
So much of, e.g. anti-fraud is going to become easier and more effective the more of it we can automate it (a lot of it is just 'we got this bit of the state to talk to this bit of a bank which talked to this mobile phone company' which obviously takes a lot more time the less automated it is.
It is not going to usefully replicate the same person who works at the anti-fraud bit of a bank wishing their partner a happy birthday, come on.
as a developer, i do not see how llm would even enter this picture, all of this can be automated without it the key problem with automating these is always that you still need human supervision for cases where automation goes wrong, and if anything, llms make this task harder
Contrary to many people's imagination, LLMs aren't only used for producing new text, they're also used for processing incoming human-generated text. You could very well feed an LLM with sufficiently long context window size a number of documents and ask "do you see any inconsistencies between them?"