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A bundle of neurodivergence in the shape of a human. Fledgling streamer, Eurovision nut, two time video model for Seattle Sounders FC, and notorious Stefan Frei fanboy. Awkwardly stumbling into my daddy era.
I’m so glad to know I’m not a curse to the team.
Taking bets on whether I even survive until November. (Surviving after November? I mean, *I* wouldn't bet on staying around that long myself)
Holy crap. Got my lease renewal email and they're wanting only $50/month extra to renew. For where I live, that is VERY reasonable, especially since it won't mean 6 months of planning to move stress.
The “sensitive gifted child to ADHD and/or autism” pipeline is so fucking real.
I don't think everyone is "suddenly" having adhd and autism. I think millennials were raised by parents who were ashamed of having children that weren't "normal" so we were forced to mask so hard that we "seemed" normal but were "just a little strange" and now we're all learning to unmask.
So… I left when it was 2-0. I don’t know whether to be furious at myself for leaving or believing I’m a curse to the team when I’m there. Maybe both.
So if he's still on the team next year, and I'm still around next year... I'm gonna have to get Rothrock on my next jersey, aren't I?
So I guess I need to have a mental breakdown pre-match for the boys to win? I mean, I know I don’t have much time left, so I’m willing to take that on for everyone I guess?
Had a breakdown just now so I guess I won’t be going to the match after all!
Why tf am I having panic attacks about going to the match today?
Make a band milder. Steam-Powered Callboy
Make a band milder. Uncertainty! At the Disco
There’s a certain irony in wanting to post here explaining how bad things really are for me right now, yet I can’t seem to get past the depression and brain fog to do it. So that’s fun!
Once again asking if anyone wants my Sounders tickets for the remainder of the season, for free. Yes I am absolutely serious at this point. The team that once saved my life is now greatly contributing to my spiraling mental health.
At the doctor and he’s like “your X and Y are well-controlled but with everything else you’ve mentioned… it’s not a good pathway” and it’s like duh, I know that. But I also can’t be like “I know I don’t have much time left” because… grippy sock vacation? Absolutely not.
Can the FBI hit Greystar next?
HAHAHAHAHHA HOLY SHIT THE FBI JUST RAIDED THE FUCKIN ALGORITHMIC PRICE FIXING LANDLORD COMPANY. Genuinely a huge deal, if they smash this scheme, housing costs are gonna drop significantly.
I may be going through a rough mental health patch right now, but at least I just bought my tickets for TwitchCon.
A reminder: instead of giving money to giant corporations this Pride month who do nothing but slap a rainbow profile pic on your social media... you can give money to me, a gay, directly.
I got no substantiative sleep last night and I’ve been having dissociative breaks from reality all week, AMA
Despite being unable to emotionally handle going to matches lately, I'm considering an away trip for the Open Cup quarterfinals. I never said I was sane.
Discovering that Utada Hikaru re-recorded Simple and Clean is fantastic. Doing some research and discovering their first version of the song was 22 years ago absolutely is not.
I'm seeing upstate/downstate NY discourse in my timeline and BOY HOWDY do I want to jump in but I'm refraining.
Between the Eurovision result yesterday and Sounders result today, I’m fully convinced the universe wants to tease me with tiny bits of happiness at this point.
Thank you, Switzerland, for saving Eurovision.
Man… the Eurovision final is gonna be a MESS today. And I have to prepare for giving up Eurovision entirely based on how the results go, so that’s wonderful. Man, i really need to make that post that’s in my head because I am NOT okay. I’m losing everything that gives me joy this year.
Running order for the Eurovision Grand Final has been determined and We Will Rave is closing the show. Hell. Yes.
Some of the countries that qualified from today’s Eurovision semifinal were CHOICES, i tell you what
So the team is really only gonna win this season if I'm not there and not watching? Cool.
PKs? At Starfire? Groundbreaking.