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i like when the man in the wetsuit wrestles the bloke in the rubber monster costume

looking up how many psych letters i need to get a lobotomy
maybe if i had been a completely different person to start with transition would have worked out for me
the only person that calls me a man or tells me i look like a man is myself but i live alone and don't have a job or friends or hobbies so that bitch has all the time in the world to really lay it into me
it is so fucking pathetic to be posting shit like this ten years of hrt and a whole vagina into transition lmao
it's actually really embarrassing to go out and be like "hi, i know i look and sound like a man, but please humour me when i tell you my name is Sarah"
i dunno, i just wish things had worked out better
AEW should do a John Wick branded gimmick match with the staple guns
Bloomburrow prerelease is tomorrow night and i was really looking forward to getting out and playing cards for the first time in a while but i think atm I'd rather stay home and get drunk and fantasise about smashing my face in with a shovel
feel like shit when my brows grow cause it looks crap, feel like shit when i pluck them cause its a lot of time focusing on my face, feel like crap when i get them waxed cause i have to explain to places 2 or 3 times that i want them shaped like a woman's cause they just think i'm a dude otherwise
Cro-Magnon Man-ass brow ridge
Reposted byAvatar Stronti
okay, there's the Blood on Mark Briscoe, now a member of the Elite have to commit ritual suicide with Anthony Bowens' scissors to give us the guts
me: i really need to get my eyebrows under control, letting them get overbrown and bushy like i have makes me look like shit me a week later: wtf, i look like shit
blood AND guts? in this economy?
rehabilitating Jeff Jarrett is still one of the craziest things in AEW's existence
transition sounds so cool, i wish it was real
Grand Princess Prettiest in the World and FTW Champion Minoru Suzuki. Do it, Coward Tony Khan
Reposted byAvatar Stronti
Everyone's like Megatron *should* be a gun or *should* be a tank or *should* be a helicopter. Well, you know what I think Megatron *should* be? Nicer to Starscream.
bit late for it to be relevant but did anyone ever say "Jacob Rees-Moggs me"
love trying on a new dress and being reminded that they look like shit on you and there's a reason you stopped wearing them despite really liking them just gotta stick your hand on the electrified cupcake every now and again
it's called The Last Ronin, and yet they keep making more of it
and as for whom that notification bell tolls well, friends, with one little click it can toll for thee
Reposted byAvatar Stronti
bill and ted’s baeddel journey
people understand that straight white boys getting called slurs on xbox live didn't suddenly mean they experienced the relevant oppressions but the minute you say the word "transmisogyny" they're all like 🤔
I Saw the TV Glow (dir. Jane Schoenbrun, 2024)
the three dharma seals can be observed in the act of playing Picross
finally took care of the dishes that have been marinating in their own filth on my sink for a week. please say "bloody hell, that's disgusting, why would you leave them for that long"
remember when every niche subcommunity you'd be part of would be liable to break off into its own bespoke message board. so all of a sudden you and the others you knew that were into Oingo Boingo and debating DragonBall power scaling on GameFAQs were now posting on a new forum called Dance and Stomp
"Hello queer acquaintance Steven" - Frances Quinlan greeting their mate Steve
so many exciting new opportunities to scold trans people have just opened up for libs. Christmas in July for the most insufferable pricks you've ever met
(including the screen shot in case people have Bill blocked) This is what we have been dealing with for SEVEN DAYS NOW