
Totally. I saw vacant stares. I saw an inability to think quickly. I saw confusion. I saw a man that, if I were in trouble, I wouldn't hire as my attorney... and we're in trouble. Vs Trump, if he stays in, of course he has my vote... but we can do much better. Age gets us all, no shame, no hubris.
would you hire trump as your attorney? man is so senile that he can't reason his way out of a wet paper bag without blaming Mexicans for him being inside it in the first place
If course not, but he's going nowhere. Biden stays, obviously I vote blue, but we all saw the same thing. We can do better
We could have done better back before the primary. At this point it is far too late. There is no estd procedure for choosing a different candidate and there’s only 4 mos until the election. These pundits are delusional. They KNOW trying to switch candidates this late would result in utter chaos.
Not really. Biden controls the delegates, and if he organized a new ticket, threw them his full support and stepped aside, it's very doable... but hubris is a mean master. It's entirely his call, none other. He stays, in Blue, but we can do much better. Time waits for no one.
elections are about name recognition and fundraising, no other Democrat comes close
Exactly. I’ve been on the fringe of a pres campaign back in 2016 (I worked for a company that was contracted to a campaign). I think most people don’t realize the absolutely massive organization of people and resources that’s involved. You can’t change to a new candidate 4 mos out and expect to win.
We don't know that, as it's never happened. LBJ is as close as it gets, and that was very different, an UNPOPULAR president NOT supported by his party. Biden absolutely can step away and back a viable, capable ticket with his full endorsement.
Actually, reread your post and I disagree on the last point. Someone else absolutely could have won the primary if we’d had a real primary. And could have had just as good a chance as Biden to win in November. The main issue with switching now is just that’s it’s far, far too late.
We didn't have a "real" primary because he's an incumbent, popular president running a successful administration. A challenge was NEVER going to happen. But that was then, this is now.