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ough. nhh. aagh. nhh. aagh. ough.
You alright man? I keep seeing small damage numbers coming off you
Donald Trump called Biden a manchurian candidate and said Israel should "finish the job" and nobody is calling for him to step down and it's making me feel fucking crazy. It's people are saying this shit at this point just because they *can* influence the democratic party.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
The reason it seems like every movie and show for 70 years treated quicksand as, like, this everpresent deadly threat is that Grace McHugh and a cameraman died drowning in quicksand on the Arkansas river in the first on-set death in Hollywood history.
The stop request cord on a city bus has been in place since the earliest days of mass transit (1662!) and was originally tied around the driver's ankle (since they were outside and had no other way of knowing when people wanted to alight)
Pink Floyd financed Monty Python's The Life of Brian
“Cave aged” cheese (as well as cheese rubbed in ash, etc) is the result of farmers trying to hide production under the feudal system
Much of impressionnism happened because of the ability to travel by train and paint outside.
Reminds me of how almost all the French dadaists and surrealists were WWI veterans of the trenches seriously exploring alternatives to conventional thought and language.
my sense of irony has been absolutely cooked
the conservative theory of law in one headline
My silence is 100 dollars a day. If you ever want me to shut up for one day I will do it for 100 in my ko-fi. If you give me 200 that’s 2 days etc. the only exception is if Dick Cheney dies it’s delayed 24 hours
steaming some hot dogs with my espresso machine. i love italian cooking! 🤌🤌
she and her ilk are a case study in how the natural conclusion of TERFdom is becoming an actual real life sex offender because you don't believe men are capable of non-consent. they believe everything women want is sacred and everything men want is evil. it's a horrendous, creepy type of "logic"
"I cannot overstate how little he wanted to talk about this" is funnier than anything she's ever written on purpose
I've said it before but I'm genuinely grateful for JK Rowling as a very public example of how trans misogyny rots both your brain and your soul. She's like those anti-drug ads that were just photos of meth users' mouths
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
Cat butt photo bomb. Photo from my collection. 1955.
Yep. The trajectory is most often: - progressive social change - cishet conservative anxiety over privilege loss - rising authoritarians promise return to golden age, - simplify complex social issues into us/them scapegoating, - insist on suspension of democratic norms to eliminate threat
Completely unacceptable. And let's be direct about who is advising Biden on this terrible decision: It's the campaign. Jen O'Malley Dillon, and Quentin Fulks, her deputy. And it likely involves Biden chief political and legal advisors: Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer.
Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Biden surrogates brushed off questions about reining in the court, while emphasizing the gravity of a second Trump term.
Feel like we all need to give one another some grace to post embarrassing shit in times of deep national crisis
Once again, Trump polling better than Biden with women in this poll is making me wonder who is responding to these requests for participation.
she just said this again verbatim! wow!
Talking to my 82 year old mom about all the news of Trump. She interrupted me and said, “Hoss, the only way I can stomach to watch that pre-death bloated Mango Mussolini on the news is with my resting bitch face applied and a glass of wine at the ready!” Holy Wisdom Shit Balls
after the nyt called for him to step down i saw a big spirit worm crawl out of joe biden's mouth and start looking around for its next host
Big fan of this cauliflower dog at the new doctors
If you donate just $5 maybe we can raise enough to buy our own justice