
this is the thing, all of this “we need confirmation!” is entirely subjective. we have, on one hand, anonymous sources with vague “close to the campaign” or “close to lawmakers” descriptions from political hacks, and then we have actual fucking politicians saying everything’s fun, calm the fuck down
Roy Cooper has now met with Biden twice in five days and there’s no hint of him being discouraged despite a pretty distinct drumbeat of “goddamnit Cal” from him in October 2020
he has done rallies, he’s done radio call-ins, he’s done sit down meetings and he is still doing his job as president with a major hurricane in the carribean and a major fire in california
he sent a fundraiser/campaign this afternoon saying he's running so I think they're mostly gonna wait out the columnist freak out
also I'm active on instagram and literally no one normal cares, Black and Hispanic people are making "stealing black jobs" skit videos, and the political accounts are posting about SCOTUS and project 2025
My Facebook feed is full of mostly older folks who are currently outraged at the SCOTUS thing and none of them have said anything whatever about the debate drama. I think their priorities are solid.