
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Ageist as fuck. Also…not sure how many people today know this but the longest ever serving president was confined to a wheelchair. Unassisted mobility isn’t a requirement to run this country.
* a wheelchair user No one is "confined to a wheelchair" or "wheelchair bound", they're not prisons and we're not chained in. They're mobility aids and they're amazing. People put off using them for far too long because of this kind of language.
Apologies, thank you for the correction.
He also didn't use it exclusively. He appeared in public standing a few times thanks to the use of leg braces.
The majority of wheelchair users are ambulatory! Also called part time wheelchair users. We really need the myth that you can't use a wheelchair unless you've completely lost use of your legs to die, because it results in people putting off urgently needed mobility aids, and increased hate crime.