
1/ This is going to be about Go, but it's actually going to be about dating advice when I do a hard turn a few posts in
2/ When you're learning to play Go, a common piece of advice is "slow down". This is almost unimpeachable advice. Newbies are always playing too fast. Seasoned amateurs need to take more time to read the board, as a rule. You're almost never giving people bad advice when you tell them to slow down!
3/ The thing is! It's useless advice. What any speeding player needs is help filling that time. It's hard do anything with slower play you can't name any board positions, can't read ahead, and don't know what you'd do if you could
4/ I see *a lot* of "slow down" dating advice. Stuff that is easy to give, basically correct, and practically unhelpful. Like, telling guys to improve their personality---I mean, inarguably going to help, but also, uh, what does that mean?
5/ ("Get a hobby", especially when phrased more gently, stands out here as being more practical, though I'd note it's not really dating advice, despite it's other merits as life advice for floundering 20 year olds)
6/ idk if I have a fix for this, except maybe get out of the dating advice game if all you have is platitudes? My complaint is more baked than my solutions, sorry, I've grabbed hold of a hot stove this afternoon
7/7 Anyway, I think a lot of guys would benefit from self-improvement, and noting it isn't wide of the mark; I know *I* benefited from doing that work. But the dividends in my dating life were pretty meager and I'm a bit salty seeing it put forward as a magic fix by people today
PS/ If you decide to take up Go, you'll play slower and more profitably if you learn to name shapes, practice tsumego by picturing the stones before placing them, and check the life and death of groups before picking a move Not what most of you are here for, though
I think I'm more here for this discourse than the other one tbh
inspired me to go and try some online go puzzles I am very bad at these
This is what I’m doing to pass time (along with several other books). Freshly arrived today.