
If Trump were to be reelected and went on a purge of similar bloodiness per capita to the Dirty War in Pinochet's junta in Argentina, that would mean ~350,000 dead Americans.
That could very well happen. And I think a lot of folks will be shocked to find out just how many Americans would be totally cool with that.
(Pinochet = Chile. but whichever you meant, veryvery bad)
Perón wasn't the one who did the Dirty War. The Dirty War was committed by the Argentine junta which was in power from 1976-1983, after Juan Perón had already died in 1974.
the dirty war occurred primarily during the late 70s and early 80s, but perons wife and successor Isabel Perón pretty much got it started by signing orders to crush the ERP in northern argentina (ironically before herself being deposed by the junta in 76)
Seems bad that we’ve moved to Years of Lead as a best case scenario.
So, only a third as many as his Covid policies killed. If Americans don’t GAF about a million dead due to that, they won’t care about this. Kent Brockman is correct.
Democracy simply doesn't Scene from Bart's Comet
The average American who doesn't pay any attention will have plenty to be mad about under Trump 2: inflation is very likely to rear its head again.
Oh, of course. But he'll just blame Biden, immigrants, and "woke corporations", and the mob will eat it up. Otherwise, it may be *their* fault for voting for Trump, while ignoring every sane economist who predicted it, because "experts" make them feel sad.
Yes, so? You think that's unimaginable? Surely not, no one is this naive anymore.
Quite to the contrary. I'm imagining it just fine right now. I'm just hoping we can still prevent it.
trump has publicly stated his desire to deport something on the order of 20 million people, if 2% of the deportees died in the process the death toll would exceed 350,000
Very possible. I would hit migrants or other vulnerable outgroups first. I would break humanitarian norms to provide information on private loyalties within the security services. This would allow me to sideline officials that might oppose me. After that, I'd turn my loyalists on other enemies.