
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
This whole company is obviously making shit up and selling snake oil, but also it is important for everyone to understand that it is morally good to set fire to this company's headquarters
Yeah, like - it would be terrifying if it worked, but now I just wonder how these idiots can get people to uncritically publish shit about a technology that does not exist and doesn't work.
There's "doesn't work" like ChatGPT doesn't work and Rabbit doesn't work or whatever. But this is more like how the millennium falcon doesn't exist and doesn't work, even though someone made a youtube short about building a lego model of it.
Right. This would be several tens of million dollars worth of work to even *have* a thing that doesn't work, as opposed to just not working out of the gate
It's not even like, an article about how you might design or build one.
It actually is purely the description of a plot from multiple scifi series, with a mediocre computer animation and voiceover. WHY DID THIS GET PUBLISHED LIKE IT WAS REAL?!
Because the publication exists for clicks, just like the "creative scientist" behind the project, whose expertise is supposedly in microbiology.
I didn't bother to click on it because the rich fetid smell of bullshit wafted right through my monitor direct to my olfactory bulb. I could list the things wrong with that idea just based on the clickbait ad, but I think we'd all be stupider after reading it than when we started.
I read the article, but didn't watch the video, because I was having stomach trouble and I didn't want to become any more nauseated than I already was.
You are braver than I. Or more morbidly curious, I guess that's also a possibility, and it's nonexclusive so maybe both!
Well, I think morbid curiosity was definitely the primary motivation. Whether that necessitated any bravery, I don't know, but I doubt it. I was 90% sure it was nothing more than smoke-blowing, which it indeed proves to be, so there wasn't much to fear.
I find my blood pressure stays lower when I avoid reading egregious grifting bullshit, is all.
I guess I'm inured to that, although I was sort of mildly shocked at the total amorality of this particular effort.
I mean, the existence of egregious bullshit.
And yes, levels upon levels of amorality, although some fine SF writers- Elizabeth Bear comes to mind- have speculated on the sociological effects of a functional process that could make a person less of a sociopath. Not 'less of a criminal', note the distinction clearly.
You know, for as much time as I've spent in the tech world you'd think I'd have developed some kind of immunity to that kind of thing but I think what's happening may in fact be an immune reaction 😜. Hives, but in my braaaiiinnsss.