
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
This whole company is obviously making shit up and selling snake oil, but also it is important for everyone to understand that it is morally good to set fire to this company's headquarters
Yeah, like - it would be terrifying if it worked, but now I just wonder how these idiots can get people to uncritically publish shit about a technology that does not exist and doesn't work.
There's "doesn't work" like ChatGPT doesn't work and Rabbit doesn't work or whatever. But this is more like how the millennium falcon doesn't exist and doesn't work, even though someone made a youtube short about building a lego model of it.
Right. This would be several tens of million dollars worth of work to even *have* a thing that doesn't work, as opposed to just not working out of the gate
It's not even like, an article about how you might design or build one.
It actually is purely the description of a plot from multiple scifi series, with a mediocre computer animation and voiceover. WHY DID THIS GET PUBLISHED LIKE IT WAS REAL?!
[Coming to Masayoshi Son with a printout of the Wikipedia entry for Demolition Man] “Ten Billion Dollars, please!”
Because the publication exists for clicks, just like the "creative scientist" behind the project, whose expertise is supposedly in microbiology.
I normally avoid scare quotes, but I've just used them twice, that's how much I loathe this shit, both from that website and from the grifter pseudo-scientist.
Yeah, though it seems like a few other publications have gotten it going. And clearly, it's good social media content; people keep clicking
I didn't bother to click on it because the rich fetid smell of bullshit wafted right through my monitor direct to my olfactory bulb. I could list the things wrong with that idea just based on the clickbait ad, but I think we'd all be stupider after reading it than when we started.
I read the article, but didn't watch the video, because I was having stomach trouble and I didn't want to become any more nauseated than I already was.
apart from anything else, just think it's noteworthy that someone was able to consider a world where you can inject thoughts and slow time and immediately jumped to "torture prisoners" rather than, idk, vacations, or ability to read libraries of books, or any not psychopathic use for that tech
there it is, this is the take i was looking for
Normally the default application of this technology would be porn, but these folks seem to be psychopaths.
Techbro VCs won't give you money to fail to make porn though
The prison-industrial complex has deep pockets.
So… you're saying we could save tens of millions by moving forward before we have the tech?
yeah like if this "worked" the way ChatGPT worked, we'd have tons of at least stories of people who cured PTSD or whatever by having new memories injected, or whatever we'd have a queue of desperate people trying to figure out how to build the tech on their own even it it was shit etc
"We can solve the problems in transportation with a teleporter, like this!" *clip of me walkign into a box* *clip of me walking out of a box in a different place "AI will make this possible!" That's it. It'd be like if that movie got this kind of reporting about teleportation coming.
Meanwhile, we don’t even know what memory is, how (or if!!) it is stored in the brain, how to reliably access it, etc. Talking about implanting false memories and feelings is just…we would have no idea even how to START doing this. This isn’t a legitimate business plan
There is A LOT of shit “science reporting” going on, especially around AI right now, and it is having really nasty and weird effects on society.
Right. You need to invent like three or four large technologies even before you start building the space prison with time-slowing holodecks. Tho also, to reiterate, any company that tries this should literally be set on fire.
Literally. I for one am super glad people like Elon don’t know how to manipulate and implant thoughts, feelings and memories with technology.
It’s a sci fi trope disguised as a business plan.
Yeah - and without even a business here! Like it’s a press release pastiche that’s just science fiction.
Which, I gotta say, is a good use of the medium is the message
These fucky gits should pay me to write their fictitious business plans since they think their shit “AI” is going to take my job by writing all the books within 3 years
Just here from Twitter, having read a bunch of these same magical thinkers actually arguing with *Grady Booch,* who has said repeatedly that LLMs are architecturally incapable of reasoning. Oh, but “Turing Complete” & “neural net” & “symbolic transformers!!!” None of them has a clue how LLMs work.
Personally I get fatigued just arguing that the ability to pass the Turing test doesn’t equal self-awareness
It is still the case that far too many people mistake the analogy ‘a brain is like a computer’ for an equivalency.
At the most superficial levels it’s fine. Information goes in, processing occurs, an output is produced. But yeah, any deeper than that is trouble. “Human memory is stored in the-“ no it’s not. “Computers think about-“ no they don’t.