
One of many reasons I don’t intend to forget /forgive a lot of 2020 is “ I’m never going to get un-burned into my memory going to peak-COVID-era funerals, one of which was a direct COVID death, where family with tears down their faces had to tell elderly loved ones “stay back, I can’t hug you”…
I understand (even if I don’t agree personally) with the widely cross-partisan impulse to want to forget the 2020 COVID / zombie-apocalypse-vibe period ever happened, but that doesn’t stop me from getting physically furious whenever I see the “better off now than you were four years ago” poll Q
…During all of that & so much else, what was the leader of the country doing at those exact moments? Among other things, he was partying & yucking it up all the way through it, while doing things like trying to steal an election & gut the democratic order, so yea some folks can get fucked forever.
I had Covid in March 2020, when there were no tests, no vaccines, and no hospital beds. I just laid in bed for a month and hoped to not die. But a piece of my heart did die - it's called an infarct, and it's never coming back. So yeah, I'm voting Biden, and Trump & the Mercers should rot in hell
Trump is quite literally the face of evil.
Trump is this Century's Face model for Evil
I lost three people to the disease, two of which believed Trump's lies and did not get vaccinated and did not mask up. I still have tremors from four years ago.
Lost 2, but mine was a murder suicide after my aunt was hospitalized with covid for 10 months. Uncle's mental health declined as she never fully recovered once released. They were Trumpers as well.
Likewise, my condolences to you/your family. Was sharing my story to commiserate with you, and then that guy shows up . I also blocked him.
Yeah, it's personal and eternal. I will never forget, nor forgive.
I will have to follow you now.
Had to wait a year to have a funeral for my friend who killed himself. No closure then in ‘20 and it opened up all over again in summer of ‘21. Fucking brutal.
My dad, 700+ mi away, landed in hospital summer of '20 w/ "one week" predicted to live. I was 24/7 caretaker for my mother at time, w/ no way to leave her protected & the hospice Dad was in wldn't let me see him for 2 weeks even if I showed up. He died alone in hospice. It really sucked.