
I understand (even if I don’t agree personally) with the widely cross-partisan impulse to want to forget the 2020 COVID / zombie-apocalypse-vibe period ever happened, but that doesn’t stop me from getting physically furious whenever I see the “better off now than you were four years ago” poll Q
I get asked in the most insulting ways every day at work why I wear a mask (I work at a popular, crowded, underground bar). I'm close to my breaking point by the willful ignorance to the ongoing pandemic and long covid.
I should say, my coworkers don't do this customers do.
If it's not a regular, you could just answer, "My partner's been sick & I don't want to spread anything to my customers." I know it's annoying, & you shouldn't have to lie, but folks should think about the varied reasons for masking.
the answer I have on deck is “a monkey bit off my face”
Well that's a good one, yes. 😏
It probably wouldn't be good for tips though. My neighbor wore a mask when she came for drinks on our screen porch because she'd knocked out a front tooth and was embarrassed, so along the same lines. She had to give it up in order to actually have a drink though...
I always answer that question with this question: “the more interesting & relevant question is ‘why aren’t you wearing one?’”.
doing this in a customer facing setting is a terrible idea
Oh absolutely. I always thank servers/customer service people, etc. for masking.
🫂thiss (part of) why i get glowy with anger when labor orgs/leftists who claim caring about labor as praxis don't mask or worse, agitate against masking ppl under capitalism are trying to survive +not be disabled, bosses wanna prohibit😷, least any of us can do= wear em in solidarity EVERY workplace
There was one time—and this was in the heat of the pandemic’s worst days, meaning that not masking was a form of petulant defiance—some dude asked me why I was wearing one, and I said “Well, I’ve got COVID right now* but I can take it off if it bothers you.” (*I didn’t.)
He was like “No no that’s okay!” 😁
If it is any consolation, I get this same question in ministry settings since I always wear a KN95/N95. Been yelled at several times too.
I like to sit around thinking what clever sarcastic comeback I will throw in their face the next time, even though I know when the time comes around again I will actually just be surprised and stammer and stutter some easily dismissed reply 😷
"you don't know where I've been"
Talked with a waitress about this recently. I was masked, she wasn't but wanted to be. I asked if the restaurant had logo masks and she said yes & she did receive 65-75% fewer questions when she wore a logo mask vs plain. She planned to go back to wearing one, w a logo. Can you get logo masks?
not wearing one out anymore* but I see tons of people with public facing jobs who are. if I had to Interact with so many people every day at work, I would too! *if rates go up again, I will. if I feel sick I do
one fun thing lots of people realized is "I can do this one simple thing to keep other people from catching my cold" of course, they've been doing it forever in East Asia.
fyi, most of the spread of covid (+plenty other less-dire yet not nice to have or gift) comes from folx who don't feel sick yet. we are better off ourselves, +better neighbors/community with eachother, if we mask consistently rather than waiting to know we already exposed or got exposed🖤
When H5N1 finally fully crosses over we are so so screwed.
My father in law literally said it to me, today, to my face. When I pointed out this was literally untrue in at least five major ways, he basically came back with “nuh uh.” Came very close to throwing him out of my house
Four years ago today, I still held hope that people would put group wellbeing (and enlightened self interest) ahead of going clubbing.
Yeah, even if these snorted vaxxes pan out, I'll never be able to enjoy any of that inane nonsense. Ever.
If Trump were smart (yeah I know) he would be asking "are you better off now than you were 5 years ago" and hope no one notices.
"Break everything, then complain the Democrats haven't fixed it yet while blocking every effort" is how the GOP gets back into power.
And what sucks is it works. Because the center and the left both, in different ways, refuse to actually engage with the realities of the system.
They already did that.
ME TOO! We have national amnesia. We never had any closure -- people act like it never happened because it's too hard. But leaders should commemorate the 1.13 million dead, including my family members, that TFG allowed to die. Remember Joe/Kamala at the 400k mark with lights along reflecting pool?
I was just talking about this the other night. I’m hoping we have a proper commemoration at the 5 year anniversary
Our country's usually so good at that kind of thing -- but I suppose it's been weaponized/politicized, so maybe after Biden gets re-elected, there'll be less fear of reigniting old battles??? (If he doesn't, we have bigger problems lol)
I think the problem was that we were still in the middle of it. The ceremony in Feb 2021 took place when very few people were able to get vaccines
It needs to be treated like we do 9/11, IMO
How ANYONE can forget the feeling of, "Oh fuck, it's just us helping us; there's nobody coming. We're completely on our own, we don't have a society anymore" is completely beyond me. I can't stop thinking about it and no one else acknowledges it
At least twice I was walking outside and realized I hadn’t done that in 11 days.
I can't bear the COVID erasure. It makes me feel I'm going mad. I can understand it but I don't think I'll ever forgive it
I feel like 99% of people had their minds made up about how Biden's term was going to go before he was even inaugurated and have pretty much just stuck to their guns.
Because we've had our worst instincts confirmed?
I keep trying to do better but every time I get a pay raise, everything gets more expensive. It’s like being on a hamster wheel.
this is one of those things I hate myself for saying but I think the usual 4 year lookback shit is just nullified by covid, the entire planet went sideways on the basis of massive failure of a capitalist system bent on profit over people I don't think that was especially Trump that said fuck trump
Nobody should ever forget any of this.
Sheesh, just seeing you end this tweet with the lone letter “Q” is giving me flashbacks to the moment when the absolute worst conspiracists were at their peak influence
4 yes ago I was on a humidifier bc COVID w/ most likely a side order of pneumonia. No Drs no hospitals open in northern NJ. Unless you were dying you were on your own & it was a really narrow thing. Still alive. Sick AF but alive. Trump & Kushner left NY/NJ to die. I hope they rot in hell.
It would be so easy to forget the pain, grief, and loss of that year. But to do so would only hurt us even more than we are already. And that damn man is responsible for all of 2020 and the chaos of the plague since.
I certainly will never forget the feeling I had when me and all of my friends got laid off at once and that was somehow a secondary concern behind "how do I get groceries without dying"
I will NEVER forget 2020 as the most nightmarish part of my life. The refrigerated trucks of bodies. the burials 3 deep in pauper graves, the thousands reported dead every day. The east coast was absolutely reeling.
The margin of error in these polls needs to take into account that people have very bad memories and are also fucking stupid
It's a dumbass question. The issue isn't compared to last guy, it's what did each guy start with, and did they make it better, and against what obstacles? Most every D president was handed shit by his R predecessor & turned it around, and vice verse.
It doesn’t matter if people say “we are in a much different place than x years ago”. We remain in said apocalypse as such. I too want to forget it and move on but if no major organization like the WHO is, then I will stay put until it is 100% collectively declared over with effort and reassurance.
We should build a covid memorial. More died of COVID than WWII
We have a very strong propaganda force in that national media that has been burying 2020 while simultaneously acting like any inflation rate above 4% is an unprecedented crisis. The news media are so bad it's a national crisis.