
Interesting how for all the white papers and political propaganda devoted to convincing you that homeless people and others in poverty are just lazy, irresponsible, and/or drug addled and that they are to be dealt with like you would the brain dead hordes in 28 Weeks Later…
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
…the solution just so often seems to keep being: maybe just give them a little money instead of cooking up novel ways to intern them.
Didn’t Salt Lake City basically solve (or drastically reduce) homelessness by just giving people housing?
sir i must inform you this threatens the share value of my private prison stocks!!! sir!!!!!
No no no! If we give money directly to the homeless they will waste it on dumb stuff! Instead we must give money to a group of interlocking state agencies that can hire swarms of workers and contract out to dozens of aid organizations in order to provide needed services to the homeless!
Fear is all the right has for political messaging. Fear sells lots of things, 'security systems' guns, and politicians to name a few.
It's wild how all of these pilot programs always find the same results and yet, rather than implementing anything related to the findings, we just keep doing pilot programs
“Yeah this worked in Oakland, but we need a pilot study to study whether it would work in South Oakland!!1!”
When you tell people in power what data says ("give ppl money" is cheaper AND more effective to manage social problems than what we're doing) they say "complex social problems can't be alleviated w/cash" I just showed you 9 slides citing 192 data sets proving they can, is this thing on ?
I think it’s because people conflate the people they see on the streets in downtown areas with the homeless problem. They are just a small part of it and yes they skew towards mentally ill and addicted.
it keeps being demonstrably effective while at the same time being a surefire political loser--so many people reflexively HATE the idea of anyone further down the economic ladder getting something "unearned", overall societal benefits be damned
To the point where the expanded child tax credit didn’t poll well even among people who were benefiting from it. Just wild country.