
anyways back in the world of Zeno's Consequences its still very funny to me that trump running his mouth has lead to now the 12th day of trial where the defense has no idea who the witnesses will be that day
you might think to yourself: oh that means that the defense can't prepare! they'll do really badly on cross-examination and, my friends, you have no idea how badly they're doing
does it actually seem like it's going really poorly? don't let me hope lmao
basically every single witness has come on the stand and been like I am a close personal friend of donald trump, have been for thirty years, and he was terrified about this story because it would fuck up the campaign, he called me at 2am being like "what will this do to my campaign"
fingers crossed the jury gets his ass on this one i guess.
i am sort of past hope that any legal system stuff will have consequences (for example: what's going on with that defective bond in the other case, supreme court angling to delay the DC trial, documents case shenanigans) but there's an empaneled jury here so uhhh yeah
I reckon SCOTUS will overturn any criminal conviction of Trump. Our best hope is waiting for time to come for Donald as it comes for all men. 😬
What does Trump have on them? I mean sure, Trump has something big on kavanaugh, Alito is nuts, and Harlan Crow picks Thomas' vote, but the others seem too prideful.
ACB is a true believer in religious oligarchy, Gorsuch is a ratfucker if it doesn’t involve native rights, Roberts is a stupid motherfucker.
Someone called it the Cheeseburger from Heaven strategy.
my close friend John Barron, someone I've known for years, a very smart man, big, tough guy who never cries, came to me with tears in his eyes saying the Deep State is after me, I can't do hard time, can you give me an alibi
The text between the lawyer and the publisher both saying "oh fuck what have we done" onnelection night 2016 were insane. Like they knew exactly what they doing and why it was bad/illegal.