Grant Lakeland

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Grant Lakeland

Married, three kids. White, cishet, he/him. Deaf in one ear. Math prof at Eastern Illinois University. Born & raised in Cornwall 〓〓
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It's #Disability Pride Month! If you don't already, please consider simply accepting the terms of accommodation letters and providing whatever they list without question. Merely not actively standing in the way of a disabled student can feel like a huge help.
I've wanted to write something about academic accommodations for a while, and in the absence of other inspiration, I'm just going to put it here. I have a few points to make but first a bit of context about me. I'm profoundly deaf in my right ear. Basically can't hear anything in it. 1/
Reposted byAvatar Grant Lakeland
Just remembered the mock election we had in class when I was 14 and I genuinely think the level of journalistic integrity the teacher displayed as debate moderator was higher than some of what I'm seeing now
The plum tree looks like it will have a lot of fruit this year
Gonna try to get one on Amazon Primordial
Please spare a thought for 3yo, currently upset that after a look around the neighborhood we have been unable to find a volcano
Please spare a thought for 3yo, currently upset that after a look around the neighborhood we have been unable to find a volcano
Never felt more vindicated about feeling lukewarm at best towards Sonic Youth
Fuckin’ Thurston
Shakira, when asked who should receive a celebrity roast next
Now do pique (please!!)
[adding almost a whole aubergine to the pot] kids I promise there is no eggplant in this
Minor peeve: someone who has had an unpleasant experience has been "put through the wringer" not ringer A wringer is a device for squeezing water out of clothes to help them dry
After news of him retiring from international soccer today:
One man: - as a baby, fled Kosovo with his family - grew up to play soccer for his adopted country - got drawn vs Serbia in 2018 World Cup - scored as his new nation won the game - got drawn vs Serbia *again* in 2022 WC - scored *again* + won *again* Why no Hollywood movie?
Patients have reported significant improvement in symptoms after beginning treatment. Ask your doctor if this course of therapy is right for you.
figured out what was making me grumpy + how to fix it
Every time I hear someone say "go to hell" I mentally append "do not pass Go. Do not collect $200"
Auto captions wrote "antiderivatives" as "ant derivatives" and now all I can think about is a whole ant Wall Street with ants with all six feet holding phones to where there ears aren't
hot dog eating contest only you have to buy them from the costco food court and you can only order five at a time
Trying to subtly nudge the kids towards a place where they feel comfortable sending a more realistic Father's Day card next year. "World's 967,285th best Dad" is both objectively more plausible and still a massive compliment to be in the top million
I am now apparently "my children's friends' parents are running for political office" years old
A while ago, possibly at the old place, I asked about ways to help an elderly dog eat. Turns out an adjustable height food bowl, so dog doesn't have to stoop down to eat, has been a huge help
Anagram is a bad name since its letters cannot be rearranged into another word
Things I miss from the old place: accounts which just post pictures of the Cornish coast; and the man who can identify any ⚽️ game from a single picture
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A Crossword Puzzle
Got a jump scare this morning moving some tea around, thought I saw the last of him last week
I listen to plenty sad dad music but the descriptions in that thread seem very US-specific to me
"A company sets up shop just outside a small town and starts emitting a noise that messes with the residents' health" sounds like the start of a John Wyndham novel, specifically the one that is my particular nightmare fuel
One helluva story on the impacts of Bitcoin on the health of people in a Texas community after a local business invested in Bitcoin farming computers that run at all hours... Sociology episky 🛟 policysky polisky lawsky 🧪 Medsky 📈🧭
Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin A Bitcoin mine moved to a small town in Texas. One by one, the residents fell ill.
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NEW: Former WSJ health-care reporter Stephanie Armour files a disability discrimination lawsuit against the paper, alleging her editors kept trying to revoke her disability accommodation of working from home and ultimately made it impossible for her to continue there (via David Folkenflik)
‘Wall Street Journal’ sued by star reporter for The Wall Street Journal has conducted multiple rounds of layoffs this year. In a lawsuit, former reporter Stephanie Armour says the paper tried to shed employees with significant health-care costs by ...
Just remembered the mock election we had in class when I was 14 and I genuinely think the level of journalistic integrity the teacher displayed as debate moderator was higher than some of what I'm seeing now
Have recently watched youtube videos about how we electrify part of the Illinois river to keep carp out of the Great Lakes and about how we drop millions of insects on Panama to stop screwworms coming back to the US. Find this stuff fascinating.
Yes hello I wish to make a complaint. I am apparently now represented in the UK parliament by someone ten years younger than me and I assure you this is not something to which I consented