
I appreciate a good sympathetic reading, but ultimately you will not change the people who insist that Trump is a more honest choice for progressives. that's because the whole motive there is punitive--not about the slow, often demoralizing work of activism so much as sticking it to Joe Biden.
I mention this mostly because I sometimes feel I'm going crazy on here! but truly, the impulse to somehow punish Democrats by ushering in Trump is just another way of cosplaying for the so-called revolution that will only ever exist online in quarreling leftist forums.
Kaitlin I have very seriously been considering muting almost every political term I can think of for exactly this reason I am a quarreling leftist myself, but I am getting really close to telling some folks "I really don't think about YOU ending up in a camp; I'm worried about ME ending up in one"
I am just so fucking tired of people, almost all in blue states, scoffing at the idea that Trump is somehow different in any measure from Biden
Like I said a few weeks ago people should vote their conscience but people have very obviously moved from "I'm personally not voting for Biden because of the genocide" to "I hope Biden loses." Which moves me from "I don't like that but I accept it" to "go fuck yourself."
I'm right there with you, with the significant difference than I'm not directly in the crosshairs of the crazies the way you are. Only shallow-thinking morons and psychopaths buy into the accelerationist bullshit.
I'd be a lot more sympathetic to it if we didn't already know exactly who Trump is and exactly what we can do, you know?
I have no sympathy for their bullshit. *Today* I was working with a Palestinian client on an asylum petition. For her, Trump2 isn't an online game—it's a serious risk with potentially deadline consequences. I'm feeling loose and earthy this evening, so forgive me.
/2 While all those fuckers engage in an internet circle jerk over who can be more hyperbolic about Biden, none of them behave in a way that shows even a modicum of sympathy and respect, even toward the Palestinians' lives in whose names they want to bring about Trump2.
/3 Do any of them know about Biden's Deferred Enforcement action for Palestinians? Or care? I do. I'm using it to help clients who face the prospect of deportation. Meanwhile, the fools are pretending they're internet Che Guevara and harassing people like you.
DED Covered Population – Palestinians |
Yeah. It's... very transparent virtue signalling, at this point. Only the signal is poison.
(quick aside, I am so charmed to know that you two know one another! both of you wonderful folks.)