
Christians follow all kinds of rules to feel superior to the rest of us and then when we don't give a fuck about those rules, they get jealous that that is/was an option and they'd rather force all of us to follow their rules to make them feel better than just live the life they want to deep down
Serpent: Yeah, but what if you just learned for yourself and lived your own life? God: Yikes. Everybody out. Garden is closed.
This made me chuckle. 😂 But here we see that it's always been about control.
it's true, they are guilted into being controlled and taking control, their whole identity is tied to 'keeping themselves and others in control' that's why it hurts them so bad when they eff up (instead they excuse their behavior away), because it shows that they're "out of control", so shameful 😭
Yup. I lived it for 37 years. The freedom that comes from leaving is inexplicable.
hugs 🫂 I left at 37 too and even then I'd been holding on to heavy doubts for years, even as a X-ian leader the fuckin freedom tho, yeah you can't explain it
🫂💜 It takes quite a while to accept that everything you believed your whole life may not actually be true. 13 years later, I'm still working on retraining my brain to lay aside guilt and shame and unrealistic expectations.
cheers, me too, I'm gonna re-form this brain into a piece of fuckin ART!! and they had us believe it SOOOO hard, too, nothing less than perfect will do, we gotta be willing to DIE for it hugs to young us