T.A. Johnson

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T.A. Johnson


Hubby, cinephile, fan of the uncanny, Gen-X Man, played The Palace
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So I was curious whether O'Brien was just a big dumb meathead and that's why he spoke at the RNC. I think maybe there's another reason he likes Trump.
Biden has been about the most pro-union President you could ask for. So the President of the Teamsters spoke at the RNC, praising Senators like Hawley and Vance. www.motherjones.com/politics/202...
Teamsters union pays $2.9m to settle racial discrimination lawsuitwww.theguardian.com Exclusive: union’s president, Sean O’Brien, accused of having ‘publicly humiliated’ Black and Hispanic workers
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Roses are red Violets are bloomin
Godspeed, Robert Towne. One of the absolute best in the biz
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
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Just a reminder that the Right Wing projects their own self-loathing onto the rest of the world, creating a nightmare where their enemies are guilty of the things they hate most about themselves, creating a need for oppression and violence.
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Juneteenth is the perfect moment to remind everyone of these two facts: 1. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 2. Those who prevent history from being taught are plotting to repeat it. Read this out loud. Then read it again. Then teach it to your kids.
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At last, a scientific study that proves my lifestyle is objectively better than yours
Sedentary coffee drinkers had a 24 percent reduced risk of mortality compared with those who sat for more than six hours and didn’t drink coffee, according to the lead author of a study published recently in the journal BMC Public Health.
More good news for coffee drinkers from a study of sitting and sippingwww.washingtonpost.com Sedentary coffee drinkers had a 24 percent reduced risk of mortality compared with sedentary non-coffee-drinkers, a researcher found.
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This AP tweet is an instant candidate for the Museum of American Fascism. Carve it in stone and put it over the entrance. It should be an enduring source of burning shame and embarrassment for the entire organization, as well as a warning to other media
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that said, here are the margins of victory in presidential elections in texas this century: 2000: R +22 2004: R +23 2008: R +12 2012: R +16 2016: R +9 2020: R +5.5 so you can see why requiring dems to be competitive in, say, loving county (pop. 43) to ever win would be a solid insurance policy
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the shitposter’s mantra
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Your periodic reminder that kerning matters.
Forever grateful for all the hunched over oldsters who amble by me at work, all active reminders to stand up straight
Godspeed, Roger Corman. What an inspiring career he had… encouraging young talent with the gift of experience. Incredible legacy
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The Met Gala really feels like a fiddling while Rome burns moment.
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Please listen carefully, as our menu options have changed. If you are calling to sell your soul for malign power, inscribe "1." If you are calling about an existing fiendish bargain, inscribe "2." If you know the true name of the demon you are calling, utter it now.
What actor’s expression in a movie will stay with you for the rest of your life?
What actor's expression in a movie will stay with you for the rest of your life? Tie:
Alright! I’ll start working out again It already hurts and I didn’t even do anything
Evergreen query:
Serious question: Why are white people so afraid of becoming a minority? Does America treat minorities badly or something?
A terrific read for terrifying times
New article! If you like it, please share. I drove to Death Valley and wrote about all the strange and beautiful sites and ominous change I saw sarahkendzior.substack.com/p/i-walked-t...
I Walked the Lake in Death Valleysarahkendzior.substack.com Wading through a warning in the hottest place on Earth
My subconscious has a mind of its own
Steve McQueen, as Bullitt, is the smoothest parallel parker in the history of cinema #SteveMcQueen #Bullitt
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Free speech for conservatives means they can say what they want and you can say what they want. bsky.app/profile/donm...
New investigative piece in the NY Times provides very detailed evidence of the well-organized effort on the right to control discourse on campus. They preach academic freedom seeking to purge ideas it dislikes. (Gift link) www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
Insecurity is the root of all evil
Michael Kamen died too soon
End of feed.