
Most spectrum people I know have social overstim/anxiety because, since they can remember, someone in their lives has told them how they're too much, doing it wrong, being weird, acting "off", or otherwise relating to other humans incorrectly. So, yeah. That weighs on a kid, and later, an adult.
No one but another 40ish neurodivergant person who presented female as a child understands that we were literally told we were being a person "wrong" for 25 years on a daily basis. No one encouraged us to be smart and weird because we were just someone's future wife and mom.
Yuuuup. The difference between me and an undiagnosed (as a child) autistic man of the same age is…depressing. They’re likely to have a PhD in something interesting instead of being traumatized and broken
Yeah, sure. Not saying they haven’t suffered. But there are notable differences between the undxed afabs and amabs of earlier generations. And male privilege still being a thing, even while allistic privilege is a thing…is a thing. I’ve gotten less functional as time goes on because of trauma.
Autistic afabs are statistically almost certain to have experienced sexual trauma and a lot more likely to have been in abusive relationships, for one. Like, disconcertingly close to all of us. That’s on top of us getting the same shit our aman counterparts did.