
Hundreds of thousands of people are marching against the far-right in France today, as the far-right has never been so close to power. Images from Paris’s March, where a lot of signs are focusing on demanding that left leaders stay united to counter the far-right:
Hopefully the Anarchists and Communists don't turn on the Socialists and Liberals like they did in the 30's.
The liberals aren't in this coalition, they're refusing to join.
That's not what I last read.
I don’t know who “the liberals” are meant to be in this situation. The center-left party, the PS, is in the coalition. The Macronists are not, but they’re not center-left to start with.
the Macronists are by their own description "centrist liberals" and the "Socialist Party" is not liberal socialist and/or social democratic. Just because Macron's a bigoted reactionary hack doesn't stop him being a liberal, it just means your understanding of liberalism is way off.
Liberal in French means pro-capitalist, not progressive like in English.
I'm not American, I know liberal means, that's the sense I'm using it in. Macron's party is a liberal, centrist, pro-capitalist political party doesn't wish to participate in the Popular Front.
Sorry but macrons party is not centrist. And it’s the popular front doesn’t want to have Macron.
Again, I don't think we disagree on much here, they claim to be centre-left liberals although in practice perhaps centre-right is a better description. I wouldn't describe them as far right, despite Macron's nasty anti-immigrant reforms and pandering to them at every opportunity.