
Results from the French election! New Caledonia elected an independentist MP for the first time of its history, at a time of major unrest. Left swept 6 seats in Guiana and Martinique. In Guadeloupe, all 4 seats went to left-leaning candidates, though only two ran with an affiliation to Left bloc.
Is this the equivalent of the result from Dixville Notch, NH, on presidential election days? :)
Can we infer anything about the rest of the election with these results?
This is the question- what (if anything) can we take away from these results? What time can we expect to know the full results?
I read that the polls close at 8pm local time in the larger cities. They close at 6pm in some less populated areas.
we won't know anything until 8pm local time
For the first time since 1989, France24 says?