Taylor Noakes

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Taylor Noakes


Independent journalist
Public historian
Born to raise hell

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At a recent gas expo in #Vancouver, the president of a gas company suggested LNG could provide the stable supply of energy needed to get through increasingly extreme cold & hot spells LNG is a more potent GHG than CO2 Latest @desmog.bsky.social #bcpoli #cdnpoli www.desmog.com/2024/06/26/l...
LNG Promoted as Climate Solution at Vancouver Expo Despite Evidencewww.desmog.com Roger Dall’Antonia, president and CEO of FortisBC, said extreme weather has increased energy demand.
Pathways Alliance, a Canadian coalition of tarsands producers, scrubbed their website & social media channels of all content, in anticipation of new federal gov't regulations concerning greenwashing claims Latest for @desmog.bsky.social #cdnpoli #abpoli www.desmog.com/2024/06/20/p...
Pathways Alliance Website Scrubbed Ahead of New Greenwashing Lawwww.desmog.com The oil sands lobby group deleted the contents of its site in anticipation of changes to the Competition Act.
Fossil fuel sector is thirsty for Trump & Polievre to lead USA & Canada One exec wants a "complete reset" on enviro regs & energy policy in #Canada But fossil ideologues can't argue with the downward spiral of oil economics Latest @desmog.bsky.social #cdnpoli www.desmog.com/2024/06/18/f...
Fossil Fuel Advocate Wants ‘Complete Reset’ of Energy Policy After Trudeauwww.desmog.com Panelists at the Global Energy Show in Calgary were gearing up for a new political era with fewer environmental regulations.
Ad regulator unanimously concludes pro-LNG ads "misleading, inaccurate, distorts scientific data, amounts to greenwashing" Yet pro-fossil ad blitz continues across #Canada as experts confirm LNG demand unlikely to grow Latest @desmog.bsky.social #cdnpoli #cdnmedia www.desmog.com/2024/05/31/a...
Ads Claiming LNG Exports Reduce Emissions Are Misleading, Says Regulatorwww.desmog.com Pro-industry advertisements amounted to greenwashing, an Ad Standards Canada decision found. Canada Action is appealing.
Reposted byAvatar Taylor Noakes
Who called a JAWS rip off set in France 'Under Paris', and not 'Shark de Triomphe'?
Though experts agree the global LNG market is lacklustre at best, and likely to decline, resource development advocates recently told a Vancouver gas conference #Canada should look to the Mackenzie River Delta for new LNG terminals Latest @desmog.bsky.social #cdnpoli www.desmog.com/2024/05/10/g...
Gas Lobbyists Want LNG Expansion in Canada’s Arcticwww.desmog.com Resource Works founder Stewart Muir pitched the idea at an industry conference in Vancouver.
"As long as we want students to think for themselves, we have to accept that this will result in students questioning the status quo & challenging the establishment" Who's afraid of a campus protest? Latest @thewalrus #cdnpoli #cdnmedia thewalrus.ca/student-prot...
What People Forget about Student Protesters? They’re Usually Right | The Walrusthewalrus.ca From apartheid to Gaza, university campuses remain crucial arenas for political change
What may have been the first student protest in Canadian history was likely the first protest against antisemitism as well Then, as now, students carried the torch of social justice Those in power wanted it stopped at all cost Latest @cultmtl #Montreal cultmtl.com/2024/05/mont...
Montreal's first ever student strike was an occupation of Carré St-Louis to decry antisemitismcultmtl.com There are many parallels between the student strike in Carré St-Louis 111 years ago and the campus protests in Montreal today.
An open letter to McGill President Deep Saini There is nothing illegal or illegitimate when it comes to protesting genocide Rather than mischaracterizing your students, follow their courageous stand against barbarism Latest @cultmtl #Montreal cultmtl.com/2024/05/mcgi...
McGill protesters don't want their university to profit from Israeli apartheid and genocide — it's that simplecultmtl.com The president of McGill refuses to recognize a genocide in progress and his own students' reasonable demands.
What was likely the first student strike in Canadian history may have been the first protest against antisemitism Then as now, students occupied elite spaces Then as now, students fought for an unpopular social justice cause Latest @cultmtl #Montreal cultmtl.com/2024/05/mont...
Montreal's first ever student strike was an occupation of Carré St-Louis to decry antisemitismcultmtl.com There are many parallels between the student strike in Carré St-Louis 111 years ago and the campus protests in Montreal today.
What may have been the first student strike in Canadian history was likely also the first protest against antisemitism Then as now, students occupied elite spaces and fought for an unpopular social justice cause Latest @cultmtl #Montreal #cdnpoli cultmtl.com/2024/05/mont...
Montreal's first ever student strike was an occupation of Carré St-Louis to decry antisemitismcultmtl.com There are many parallels between the student strike in Carré St-Louis 111 years ago and the campus protests in Montreal today.
Reposted byAvatar Taylor Noakes
"This isn’t making us look strong, we look foolish Are #Canada’s strategic goals defined by Canadian values and desires or the military industrial complex’s desire to increase shareholder value?" Weapons of Mass Distraction, latest @TorontoStar #cdnpoli www.thestar.com/opinion/cont...
Why nuclear submarines are a bad fit for Canada’s navywww.thestar.com Trudeau’s recent noncommittal musings about acquiring nuclear submarines are intended to make him seem tough on defence, but it concerns me anyone might genuinely think this is a good idea.
A sprawling midwest carbon capture project vowed it wouldn't be used for enhanced oil recovery But new evidence indicates Summit Carbon's Midwest Carbon Express carbon capture project was always available for oil recovery purposes My latest for @desmog.bsky.social www.desmog.com/2024/04/08/s...
Sell Our CO2 to Pump More Oil? It’s Likely, Says Iowa-based Carbon Capture Project.www.desmog.com Summit Carbon Solutions insisted for years that its proposed Midwest carbon pipeline network would not be used for enhanced oil recovery in North Dakota.
Canada's about to abandon a successful carbon tax program because of incessant whining by far right politicians and lobbyists for Big Oil But what's depressing is when people who know better decide to follow their lead My latest @TorontoStar #cdnpoli www.thestar.com/opinion/cont...
Who does Bonnie Crombie think she's winning over by joining Doug Ford's war against the carbon tax?www.thestar.com Following Doug Ford’s ideological opposition to carbon taxes is bad politics and worse policy, writes Taylor C. Noakes.
SS veteran honoured by Cdn parliament last fall fled to Latin America, fearing extradition Also recently won award named for vicious antisemite and wartime collaborator from Ukrainian far-right party leader My latest @readthemaple.bsky.social #cdnpoli www.readthemaple.com/ss-veteran-i...
SS Veteran In Parliament Scandal Receives Award Named After Nazi Collaboratorwww.readthemaple.com The award was presented by a regional leader of a modern day far-right political party.
There's nothing wrong with trams - a tram network could help get downtown back on its feet But a tram isn't a light rail system, and it's not ideal for regional transit Once again, Quebec City shouldn't be deciding #Montreal transit My latest @cultmtl cultmtl.com/2024/03/mont...
Montreal transit and the trouble with tramscultmtl.com A new plan to replace the bungled REM de l'est project involves a 31-kilometre, 28-station, 30 kms-per-hour, $13-billion tram system.
#Montreal has a centuries-old solution to the housing crisis, and it magically fits 3-6 homes without becoming a "four-storey tower" It could transform Ontario Doug Ford - the triplex is yours to discover My latest @tvotoday.bsky.social #cdnpoli #onpoli www.tvo.org/article/prem...
TVO Today | Current Affairs Journalism, Documentaries and Podcastswww.tvo.org
Reposted byAvatar Taylor Noakes
"Premier Ford, I can show you thousands of streets lined with tens of thousands of homes housing hundreds of thousands of people, and it’s no utopian ideal — it’s the daily life and minimum expectation of modern city living for the bulk of Montrealers." — @taylornoakes.bsky.social #onpoli
Premier Ford: If you’re looking for housing solutions, consider the Montreal triplex | TVO Todayamp.tvo.org OPINION: The era of low-density suburban housing and endless sprawl must come to an end — and Montreal could help point the way forward.
There's a made-in-Canada solution to the housing crisis, and it can easily accommodate 3-6 housing units without exceeding three-storeys Doug Ford, let me introduce you to the #Montreal triplex Latest for @tvotoday.bsky.social #cdnpoli #onpoli www.tvo.org/article/prem...
TVO Today | Current Affairs Journalism, Documentaries and Podcastswww.tvo.org
Developing a tram network woukd be great, but not as an alternative to regional transit needs Quebec keeps proposing cheaper 'solutions' to problems it doesn't understand, and it's leaving Montreal stuck in first gear Latest for @cultmtl #Montreal cultmtl.com/2024/03/mont...
Montreal transit and the trouble with tramscultmtl.com A new plan to replace the bungled REM de l'est project involves a 31-kilometre, 28-station, 30 kms-per-hour, $13-billion tram system.
Opposition to the #carbontax is ideological, not based on science or economics It is very disappointing how many New Democrats & Liberals have fallen for Poilievre's "Axe the Facts" tactics and climate change disinformation Latest @TorontoStar #cdnpoli www.thestar.com/opinion/cont...
Who does Bonnie Crombie think she's winning over by joining Doug Ford's war against the carbon tax?www.thestar.com Following Doug Ford’s ideological opposition to carbon taxes is bad politics and worse policy, writes Taylor C. Noakes.
An SS volunteer lauded by Parliament as a hero last fall has been given an award named after a virulent antisemite and N*zi collaborator Unsurprisingly, the award was given by a member of the Ukrainian far-right New from me @readthemaple.bsky.social #cdnpoli www.readthemaple.com/ss-veteran-i...
SS Veteran In Parliament Scandal Receives Award Named After Nazi Collaboratorwww.readthemaple.com The award was presented by a regional leader of a modern day far-right political party.