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one chance out between two worlds
the worst job i ever had was working for a startup that made safety equipment for long haul & mining site drivers they had a dry EEG headband that was used to detect when drivers were about to microsleep and sound an alarm to wake them up it was hideously exploitative technology
this is why we've seen journalists close ranks & why we've had another step forward every 24 hours to say we're being hysterical: because of the dual suggestions that (a) their whole industry sucks shit, and (b) you have to do things to do things, and the personal moral implications of that
cis people will be like "umm why are you fixated on the NYT, don't you know there's a broad journalistic coalition fixated on your extermination?" as if we hadn't fucking noticed don't give money to *any* of them, not the NYT, the Guardian, the Atlantic, the Economist, etc, you spineless fucks
it's harder to pretend he's their friend this way
why are people upset about bouie leaving. Can’t you guys all just read his stuff with the NYT subscription that you pretend not to have
Shiraishi does love his anime characters tho
If a journalist quits The Fascism Daily it won't make a difference. Anyway, I am very concerned about journalists leaving this microblogging platform and I think it says a lot about society.
gonna be another one of *those* fucking days, i see
i don’t even think you can chalk this up to cis ignorance (which is still transphobia obv), this feels like a modding decision made in actual malice
Apparently this was considered "abusive behavior"
Right, so this is the story of the old mate I was out with last night, didn't happen to me, but too good not to repeat. Will probably only work for the Brit adjacent.
how do you square moral injury of "if we give up, all of these dire things i predicted will come true" with having no desire to fight? you shift the blame. we tried to save them, the blacks and the transgenders and all the rest, but the activists undermined everything we tried to do for them
they want us to be angry irrational cunts so that oh well, they tried, it's not their fault we didn't want to work with them & they did what they could, you know, and it's the kids they feel bad for, but the activists sabotaged the whole thing, you know, those people ruined it for everyone
just a heads up that this 3 hr old account is giving me big block-evasion vibes, i'm sure they'll correct me if i'm wrong
Happy #StarWarsFuneral Day! Take a moment away from stalking her new boyfriend on your burner account to share a word or fourteen with other fantasy school shooters and RNC delegates scrolling Grindr just like you.
you know, i'm not seeing trans women running around being racist fucks in replies but these liberal fucking chodes haven't stopped harassing trans women since the mob gave them license
after the shit that went down this week i'm just going to exhale loudly and judgementally
I’m going to start with the absolutely jaw-dropping news that The New York Times deceptively edited a quote to make it appear that JD Vance opposes a national abortion ban. —
GOP Platform Author Admits There's a National 7.16.24
the 14 yo watched her first Shiraishi film with me tonight! started her off with Cult because it has some good scares but still has the anime-esque back end to tame it down a bit given she's broken her attention span on tiktok i was genuinely surprised she sat still for the full hour and twenty
fuck it, i'll openly say it it sucks the kid missed and here's hoping the next one to take a crack at trump doesn't
weird how in a haunted house being ghosted is also a bad thing, but for opposite reasons
my four most recent horror watches there's nothing fundamentally wrong with any of these films, they're just kinda mid? i'm too old to be scared by cliches and bad makeup
been thinking lately about how Phil Fish got hounded out of the videogame industry for being an obnoxious loudmouth because this was somehow seen by gamers as being a worse crime than rape
my four most recent horror watches there's nothing fundamentally wrong with any of these films, they're just kinda mid? i'm too old to be scared by cliches and bad makeup
I'm torn between "I don't want to give Neil Gaiman any more attention" and "so many people still have no idea he was outed as a serial sexual predator and he's hired a crisis management firm to make sure of that."
weird how in a haunted house being ghosted is also a bad thing, but for opposite reasons
I'll say this: KG should absolutely be examined for his choice to continue associating with a creator who thew his weight behind smearing Palestinian resistance while they are being actively subjected to genocide, and yet most choose not to. He should be held to the same standard as, say, J Bouie.
"we want the wackadoodles to pay to see our movie too" is what he's really saying here
"I just don’t feel like films are meant to be message-oriented," the director said... right on the heels of a Rare analysis showing how including climate in TV and movies "increased support for governmental action on climate change and boosted several hard-to-move attitudes on climate justice."
‘Twisters’ chose not to mention climate change. Here’s why | The summer blockbuster puts nature’s ever-more destructive power in the spotlight. But like the titular twisters, there’s a hole at the center.
this might sound like a joke but i've managed to avoid catching it every time the rest of the household had it, even when we were living in a tiny cottage with poor ventilation the only times i've caught it have been when i was not smoking
my partner and one of the kids have covid atm, so i'm taking the necessary precautions (ordering weed)
i am a proponent of what i call 'Bigger Faggot Theory', which is that small-c conservatives will pretend to be cool with you & your whole deal only as long as they have a bigger faggot to contend with. after that it's your turn in the thresher
my partner and one of the kids have covid atm, so i'm taking the necessary precautions (ordering weed)
Blind Alley No. 286.