
The Moderate Centrist Brain™️ is fascinating to behold. Zero historical knowledge or political understanding. Just pure vibes and dogshit takes.
This is what I don’t understand about American politics. It feels like Democrats fight like hell over a very small sliver of the voter demographics who mostly don’t like them anyways, and completely ignore a much larger pool of voters who would be an easier sell.
Because Senate apportionment, House gerrymandering, and state constitutions first written during eras of slavery and Jim Crow significantly, significantly skew the incentive structures. They appeal to those edge case voters because the greater power mechanisms (white aristocracy) necessitate it.
Also, “people who would probably…” has time and time again failed that test. People who don’t vote are simply people who don’t vote. Even when they do show out, they never participate in electoralism in enough cycles to prove out.
Can I see some numbers on this?
If you can get google to work it did two years ago, sure. But, like, it’s in the chart. “Votes Blue No Matter Who” (reliable) and “Probably Would Vote, If…” (🤷🏻‍♂️ Campaign wisdom is accumulated from hundreds of thousands of elections. If that’d work, they’d be doing it.
Speaking as someone who lives in Indiana, a state the DNC has largely abandoned to the far right despite the fact that it had a strong Democratic history, I don't have a lot of faith in Democrats' campaign wisdom.
Naptown, born and raised here. It’s a suppression state. And certainly, each division of the party is individually subject to poor local leadership. Indiana’s is Not Great. But Democrats are not gonna start winning in Martinsville and Goshen if only they’d pursue the lefternmost non-voters.
"If that’d work, they’d be doing it." that would mean that they do what they do because it's working, which is demonstrably incorrect.
The baseline for America is Jim Crow and on that score we are very far ahead, if having lost ground over the last 25 years.
"if having lost ground over the last 25 years" with a fucking straight face