
"In the clip, Hovde — a wealthy businessman who launched his career in his 20s w/major help from his rich father — is heard railing against the Affordable Care Act provision that allows people to stay on their parents’ or guardians’ health insurance until they’re 26." They'll take young ppl's ACA.
Senate hopeful Eric Hovde: Young people relying on Obamacare need to ‘grow up’ The rich businessman and GOP Senate candidate in Wisconsin is heard in newly released audio denouncing how people are allowed to stay on their parents’ health insurance until they’re 26.
It’s the rich against the rest of us. How many republicans running for office have been rich in recent years? How do people not see the party represents the rich? Our interests & the interests of the rich DO NOT coincide. Ergo, they do not represent us. Fiscal conservatism has always been a scam.
Spot on, Nancy. There are more of us by miles, lol we can do it. This is the fight the unions had and a lot of us are practically back to those pre-union days. Thank a Republican and the deregulation creeps.
That’s exactly what it is, Helen. The rich started this after the New Deal. They’ve worked on it for generations. Democrats have not recognized how far it’s come. I pray it’s far enough now that the silent majority is scared and engaged. I’m going my best to make it clear we’re in real trouble.
I'm sure you'll do a terrific job, yes, the silent majority has begun to ask what's happening with this supreme court and also all the other courts. Like hurry and catch up pls
I feel a change has happened. The back lash against the media is real.
Very real. People are sick of watching the GOP get a pass from the press on all their stunts!
I don't think that's a stand that will win many votes. People love that provision
I sure as hell hope so, love it and willing to fight for it
It's like listening to that tub of 💩 Limbaugh talking about just paying cash for his medical care. (💊)
yep, the 'fuck you, I've got mine' crew. So thrilling to work with them again ugh
Force young people to have children; deny access to healthcare; become a third world country. Terrible and possible goals.
They want desperate ppl competing for scraps
We’re going to VOTE.
Young people? I am on ACA.
Yes, but he's speaking directly about their care here, they need to be aware they could lose it. Insurance is one of those things I didn't have at that age and didn't think much about but accidents still happen!
Me too, lol, and I'm 60. It let me leave my full time job earlier than I could have otherwise.
I am not far behind you at 59.