
"...Putin's buddies kick back some of the extra money they charge the state to the president himself. "That's what makes Vladimir Putin one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Nobody knows exactly how wealthy, but that's one of the key processes." You know, TFG could rob every last one of us.
How Putin Conquered Russia's In 2000, Vladimir Putin began targeting oligarchs who did not bend to his authority. The loyalists who remained — and new ones who subsequently got rich — became like ATM machines for the president.
And who’s the beneficiary on the will when there oligarchs are being defenestrated?
he owns an entire country and everything (including nukes) and everyone (from paupers to the next guy to fall out a window) in it. (The US is next, btw) People can attach whatever dollar figure to that they want.
Yeah, it's sick. TFG is gonna pull some scammy crap like this, not sure what, but he's a predictable man.